40+ People Tell The Weirdest Things They Experienced During Halloween

Published on 09/26/2022

Halls on Halloween

For children who only want to experience Halloween, living in a nation where the holiday is not customarily observed can be difficult. When this person attempted to go trick-or-treating in her neighborhood, she discovered that some residents have no desire in enjoying the frightening event.

Halls On Halloween

Halls On Halloween

The man is correct that sweets are a bad food choice with little to no nutritional value, but we’re not sure cough drops are any better, especially for youngsters who are otherwise healthy. They at least resemble sweets, right?


This Costume Wasn’t the Bee’s Knees

It’s tough to make new friends since you’re never sure what to say or do. They believed that attending a Halloween party required dressing up. Sadly, she couldn’t have been more mistaken.

This Costume Wasn’t The Bees Knees

This Costume Wasn’t The Bee’s Knees

Being the sole person at the party while wearing a big bee costume is awkward enough. Just embarrassing. It’s our sincere wish that her new acquaintances found the scenario amusing, but we can safely say that it wasn’t this person’s favorite Halloween experience.