More Arms, More Candy
When kids impress us with their intelligence, it’s always fun to watch. In this instance, the kid exploited an octopus fact to get the most Halloween candy possible.
Although we don’t know who exactly designed this smart outfit, it’s obvious that whoever it was loves candy. Given how unsettling most people find spiders, octopuses, with their eight limbs, are a less terrifying creature.
This Evening Is on a Roll
Trick-or-treating on Halloween can be a special experience for kids who are growing up in an apartment complex. It can be challenging to determine who is home or even celebrate Halloween without windows.
When they rang this person’s doorstep and interrupted his private supper, the kids took a chance. Fortunately, the man decided to give them this unconventional Halloween treat since he didn’t want the starving trick-or-treaters to go hungry.