40+ People Tell The Weirdest Things They Experienced During Halloween

Published on 09/26/2022

Something to Make You Growl About

Being a dog for a day on Halloween is difficult to imagine. Halloween is a difficult occasion for dogs because of the trick-or-treater doorbell ringing all the time, the sweets you can’t eat, and the odd costumes of other people.

Something To Make You Growl About

Something To Make You Growl About

When a person in a costume started growling at the dog, the dog must have been considerably startled. He responded like most dogs would when faced with a threat and bit the intruder. We can only hope that this poster learned his lesson about not making fun of little dogs.


Alice in “Work” land

The best-laid Halloween ideas can wind up failing hilariously. This individual was prepared to demonstrate her special effects makeup abilities at a Halloween party, but she ended up doing so while at work.

Alice In “Work”land

Alice In “Work” land

She might have been wearing a costume that was much less acceptable, despite the fact that it must have been embarrassing to punch in that way. Her coworkers must have been beaming like the Cheshire cat when they saw her new work attire.