The Voss Toilet Bowl
We’ve previously seen how popular bottled water is with the wealthy. You must, after all, seize any chance to demonstrate your superiority to the general populace. Bling H20 has been observed, but what about Voss water?
Voss water is reportedly extraordinarily pure, tastes fresh, and has fewer Total Dissolved Solids than usual (whatever that means). Naturally, these advantages only apply to human consumption of water, not to the use of toilets. We’re hoping that this toilet feels incredibly moisturized.
Avada Kedavra Rich Kids!
Depending on where they come from, spoiled children may reside in a variety of opulent settings. It can be a completely equipped apartment in New York City, a luxury suite in Dubai, or a sprawling English rural estate.
This poster appears to be from the countryside of Great Britain and is excited to be visiting the castle to meet dear mummy. Many affluent children in the UK live in homes that resemble something out of Hogwarts. Acco estate!