Getting up too quickly, physical exertion or low blood sugar levels – there are many different reasons why we suddenly get dizzy. If there are harmless causes, the dizziness usually disappears quickly. But dizziness is not just dizziness. Whether rotary vertigo, postural vertigo or benign positional vertigo – there are various forms that disturb the perception of balance. Feelings of dizziness are usually more than uncomfortable and can rightly scare you. But usually little tricks help to quickly relieve the annoying dizziness:

Suffering From Dizziness? Here Is What To Do
Drink When You Have A Dizzy Spell
Dizziness usually occurs as a result of dehydration. When we are dehydrated, our blood thickens. The result: It flows more viscously through our arteries, which impairs oxygen transport. Our body reacts to this with dizziness, among other things. Headaches and nausea can also occur as further complaints. Drink a glass of water to thin your blood and allow it to flow better. A fresh ginger tea also stimulates blood flow and can quickly provide relief.
Put Your Feet Up If You Feel Dizzy
If you suddenly feel dizzy and like you might pass out, lie down with your legs elevated. They should be higher than the heart to facilitate blood flow to the heart.
Eat Something If You Have Circulatory Problems
If you feel dizzy because your blood sugar level is too low, you should eat something. Because of the lack of glucose, our brain reacts with dizziness. Replenish your energy reserves by munching on a handful of nuts, eating a banana or snacking on some dried fruit. To prevent hypoglycaemia from occurring in the first place, you should eat foods that are high in fiber (vegetables, oatmeal), healthy fats (avocados, fish) and foods that are high in protein (eggs, oatmeal). These keep you full for a long time and ensure a stable blood sugar level
Low Blood Pressure?
If you get dizzy due to low blood pressure, it can help to strengthen your circulatory system in the long term. Possibilities for this are: Get up in a targeted manner Take some time to get up in the morning to stimulate your circulation. Stretch, pedal with your legs in the air, alternately rolling left and right to get your cardio pumping. Regular exercise Intensive walks in the fresh air, short hikes or regular Nordic walking tours stimulate the circulation and strengthen it with a little consistency. Alternating showers Alternating warm-cold baths or Kneipp treatments get the circulation going. Clenching your fists In acute cases, you can clench your fists and open them again several times. This ensures that your brain is supplied with additional oxygen.