40+ People Tell The Weirdest Things They Experienced During Halloween

Published on 09/26/2022
40+ People Tell The Weirdest Things They Experienced During Halloween

40+ People Tell The Weirdest Things They Experienced During Halloween

For many people, Halloween night is a memorable time of the year. Most people who participate in the “spooky season” like to carve pumpkins or go trick-or-treating. The holiday has a mostly innocent appeal, but it has also grown to be associated with many forms of magic and mayhem. These Halloween nights were the weirdest ever because of these humorous incidents, which ranged from costume blunders to cosmetics gaffes.

Sugar, Sugar

Sugar, Sugar

On Halloween, it’s usual for kids to desire to dress alike. Just like the other girls in her Kid Scout group, this poor girl wanted to dress in sugary cereal. However, her mother had other ideas. She was asked to dress as a cereal box from one of the less well-liked cereal brands that Halloween. The poster’s comical illustration perfectly reflects her less-than-sugary response to having to abstain from sugar on Halloween.

These Tired Eyes

Most people remember their time in college fondly. It might also be draining. The majority of college students consider themselves lucky if they can get a few hours of sleep each night due to demanding academics and extracurricular activities.

These Tired Eyes

These Tired Eyes

This lady made the decision to dress up as a worn-out student but soon realized that her appearance was more a reflection of her reality. This person may want to reconsider her sleep habits given how dark her under-eye circles are.

Costume Check, Aisle One

Walmart, the ubiquitous supermarket, has become the punchline of numerous jokes as a result of the popularity of websites like “People of Walmart.” As shown by this poster, it has also served as inspiration for various Halloween outfits.

Costume Check, Aisle One

Costume Check, Aisle One

We’re unsure of her motivations for dressing up as a Walmart employee or visiting the actual store. It’s quite funny that nobody assumed she was a character and that someone wanted to replicate her haircut.

Is There a Lifeguard in the House?

Baywatch fever had taken hold by 1994. The lifeguards of Los Angeles’ beaches in red bathing suits appeared to be the subject of an international obsession. David Hasselhoff appeared to be a fan favorite in addition to Pamela Anderson, who was a well-liked member of the cast.

Is There A Lifeguard In The House

Is There A Lifeguard In The House

Hasselhoff appeared to be everywhere, including Halloween parties, from speeding around in his Knight Rider car to touching the Pacific Ocean’s coasts in Southern California. Jimmy Fallon was fortunate that these partygoers were equally brave and resembled the well-known lifeguard.

More Arms, More Candy

When kids impress us with their intelligence, it’s always fun to watch. In this instance, the kid exploited an octopus fact to get the most Halloween candy possible.

More Arms, More Candy

More Arms, More Candy

Although we don’t know who exactly designed this smart outfit, it’s obvious that whoever it was loves candy. Given how unsettling most people find spiders, octopuses, with their eight limbs, are a less terrifying creature.

This Evening Is on a Roll

Trick-or-treating on Halloween can be a special experience for kids who are growing up in an apartment complex. It can be challenging to determine who is home or even celebrate Halloween without windows.

This Evening Is On A Roll

This Evening Is On A Roll

When they rang this person’s doorstep and interrupted his private supper, the kids took a chance. Fortunately, the man decided to give them this unconventional Halloween treat since he didn’t want the starving trick-or-treaters to go hungry.

Halls on Halloween

For children who only want to experience Halloween, living in a nation where the holiday is not customarily observed can be difficult. When this person attempted to go trick-or-treating in her neighborhood, she discovered that some residents have no desire in enjoying the frightening event.

Halls On Halloween

Halls On Halloween

The man is correct that sweets are a bad food choice with little to no nutritional value, but we’re not sure cough drops are any better, especially for youngsters who are otherwise healthy. They at least resemble sweets, right?

This Costume Wasn’t the Bee’s Knees

It’s tough to make new friends since you’re never sure what to say or do. They believed that attending a Halloween party required dressing up. Sadly, she couldn’t have been more mistaken.

This Costume Wasn’t The Bees Knees

This Costume Wasn’t The Bee’s Knees

Being the sole person at the party while wearing a big bee costume is awkward enough. Just embarrassing. It’s our sincere wish that her new acquaintances found the scenario amusing, but we can safely say that it wasn’t this person’s favorite Halloween experience.

Parent of the Year

It is well known that one of the most difficult occupations in the world is being a parent. Even the best parents occasionally make mistakes, like this mom who unintentionally brought home the incorrect child.

Parent Of The Year

Parent Of The Year

It can be simple to lose sight of your child when everyone is dressed similarly, especially if they are wearing a mask. The bizarre thing about this tale is that the parents never spoke to the youngster or took off their disguise on the trip home. That would have saved a great deal of tension and hassle.

That’s a No From Me, Dawg

The majority of seasoned trick-or-treaters are aware that the greatest sweets are typically distributed early in the evening. As the night wears on, candy supplies become scarce, people begin to turn in for the night, and the majority of the “good” candy has already been consumed.

That’s A No From Me, Dawg

That’s A No From Me, Dawg

Unfortunately, this youngster discovered that the early trick-or-treater gets the worm and the late trick-or-treater gets the… dog biscuits? Whether this person believed the child had a pet dog or believed humans could also enjoy dog goodies is unknown.

Bloody Bathroom Breaks

Before accepting a position at a job, it’s critical to know what will be expected of you there. You may anticipate that as an actor working a haunted hayride, you’ll spend most of your shift surrounded by all sorts of eerie stuff.

Bloody Bathroom Breaks

Bloody Bathroom Breaks

This lady didn’t comprehend that every time she went to the bathroom, the only person who would be afraid of her would be herself. Even though it’s unpleasant to be frightened every time you look in the mirror, the makeup artist for the haunted hayride deserves praise for producing such lifelike effects.

Seeing Blue

In Tim Burton’s Corpse Bride, a Victorian-era woman is unintentionally brought back to life by a careless man. Many Halloween costumes were influenced by the award-winning movie with the blue bride.

Seeing Blue

Seeing Blue

Unfortunately, while skilled artists working with clay gave Emily her powder blue appearance, as this person would soon discover, obtaining a real-life blue hue is far messier. She looked like the dead bride far past Halloween because of the intense blue cosmetic pigments she used.

Lights Out!

There are numerous justifications for not celebrating Halloween. Many people do not relish the “spooky season,” for a variety of reasons, from religious ones to a simple dislike of the customs.

Lights Out!

Lights Out!

Even though some people decide not to celebrate the holiday, it might be challenging if the neighborhood kids are expecting sweets. The mother of this person decided to take things a step further by forcing her kids to spend the evening in the dark so that trick-or-treaters passing by would think no one was home.

“So Real”

Special effects makeup artists spend years learning how to use makeup and other materials to realistically replicate bruises or disfigurements. Just in time for Halloween, this person avoided needing to employ a cosmetic artist after she was left with black eyes and cuts.

“So Real”

“So Real”

While there aren’t many advantages to being in a vehicle accident, at least Halloween is the single night when people won’t stare at your disfigured face.

Wrong Spider-Man

Every Halloween, it seems there is one incredibly popular costume. It’s not unusual to see a variety of people dressed like that figure or character. There always seem to be several attendees dressed as the same superhero at Halloween parties.

Wrong Spider Man

Wrong Spider-Man

He must have had poor parenting “spidey” sense that evening because he brought the wrong Spider-Man home. Fortunately, this mother emerged as the evening’s true superhero and assisted in getting out of this difficult position.

A Night of Misfortune

On Halloween night, dressing as a fortune teller increases the possibility that passersby will approach you and want a reading. This young woman appeared to not only have the appearance of a fortune teller but also have “the gift” to go with it.

A Night Of Misfortune

A Night Of Misfortune

To be honest, one doesn’t need to be a very talented fortune teller to foresee that a Halloween party will end in disorderly conduct. At least she is aware that a career in future prediction may be in her future.

An Officer’s Advice

Mimi Bobeck, the outrageous antagonist on The Drew Carey Show, was one of the most well-liked Halloween costumes of the 1990s. The extravagant woman was well known for both her plotting and her overdone cosmetics.

An Officer’s Advice

An Officer’s Advice

The police might not have realized that the poster was costumed as a television character, or he might have assumed that the poster simply had an unhealthy fascination with blue eyeshadow. In any case, it undoubtedly contributed to an entertaining Halloween evening.

The House Is on Fire…Really

It’s possible that the officer was unaware that the poster was dressed as a television character, or he might have assumed that she simply had an unhealthy fascination with blue eyeshadow. In either case, Halloween night was undoubtedly amusing.

The House Is On Fire…Really

The House Is On Fire…Really

Thankfully, she and her pals understood the flames they were seeing were genuine and immediately took action. The homeowners of that house were undoubtedly appreciative of this vigilant trick-or-treater.

Something to Make You Growl About

Being a dog for a day on Halloween is difficult to imagine. Halloween is a difficult occasion for dogs because of the trick-or-treater doorbell ringing all the time, the sweets you can’t eat, and the odd costumes of other people.

Something To Make You Growl About

Something To Make You Growl About

When a person in a costume started growling at the dog, the dog must have been considerably startled. He responded like most dogs would when faced with a threat and bit the intruder. We can only hope that this poster learned his lesson about not making fun of little dogs.

Alice in “Work” land

The best-laid Halloween ideas can wind up failing hilariously. This individual was prepared to demonstrate her special effects makeup abilities at a Halloween party, but she ended up doing so while at work.

Alice In “Work”land

Alice In “Work” land

She might have been wearing a costume that was much less acceptable, despite the fact that it must have been embarrassing to punch in that way. Her coworkers must have been beaming like the Cheshire cat when they saw her new work attire.

When it Rains, it Pours

A cost-effective method to express yourself is by creating your own outfit. There are countless designs and suggestions available, so the options are endless. The mother of this person was so preoccupied with making the outfit that she failed to remember to look at the weather.

When It Rains, It Pours

When It Rains, It Pours

To avoid color bleed, many fabric dyes advise washing newly dyed clothing at least once. While it’s not fun to have skin that has a gray hue, at least it was during Halloween.

Dawn of the Overly-Polite Dead

Finding the restroom in a theme park might be challenging enough, but what if the entire park has been transformed into a massive haunted house? a nightmare comes true.

Dawn Of The Overly Polite Dead

Dawn Of The Overly Polite Dead

When she started screaming and slapping him with a purse at the haunted home, this poor person must have given the zombie the terror of a lifetime. He just apologized since he was a skilled ghoul, demonstrating that even the dead still value good manners.

Passing More Than Time

The term “dad joke” is one that most people are acquainted with, but what happens when your father decides to dress up as a giant walking “dad joke”? The parent in question made the decision to dress as the Whoopee Cushion, one of the most traditional practical joke toys ever.

Passing More Than Time

Passing More Than Time

Although his costume may have been questionable, we’re sure he had a great time the entire evening, demonstrating that it’s never too late to chuckle at a fart joke.

Wrong Holiday

It’s customary to warn kids that if they act badly on Christmas, they’ll get a lump of coal instead of the presents they wanted. Despite the controversy surrounding the tradition’s beginnings, many kids still shudder at the thought of receiving coal.

Wrong Holiday

Wrong Holiday

We don’t understand why this person would give out coal on Halloween or mislead kids that this poisonous stuff is actually a tasty chocolate treat. Next year, we hope the neighborhood’s kids will no longer live in this odd house.

A Halloween-Themed I.O.U

On Halloween, handing out candy might need a surprising lot of preparation. You must estimate the amount of candy you have and the number of trick-or-treaters you anticipate. How much candy those hungry little trick-or-treaters will consume is easy to underestimate.

A Halloween Themed I.O.U

A Halloween-Themed I.O.U

This guy chose not to let the neighborhood’s candy-obsessed kids down by promising them goodies after Halloween, as some people do, and instead turned out the lights and pretended to be away. Many trick-or-treaters no doubt had little trouble prolonging their candy binge.

101 Promotions

Cruella de Vil is one of the most infamously badass figures in popular culture. Every year, a lot of people choose to dress up as the iconic stylish Londoner with an obsessive fetish for animal fur.

101 Promotions

101 Promotions

While dressing up as Cruella de Vil for Halloween could be entertaining, it’s less amusing if you’re asking for a raise. When she stood in front of them wearing the villain’s recognizable two-toned wig, we can only hope that her supervisor wasn’t a fan of 101 Dalmatians.

A Hair Stylist’s Nightmare on Elm Street

Often regarded as one of the greatest villains in movie history is Freddy Krueger. Anyone courageous enough to watch A Nightmare on Elm Street movies is familiar with the character’s signature striped sweater, fedora hat, and deformed face.

A Hair Stylist’s Nightmare On Elm Street

A Hair Stylist’s Nightmare On Elm Street

This person made a lifelike mask of the murderer who was so convincing that the killer actually couldn’t part with it in order to adopt the role of the villain. Thankfully, he was able to take off the unsettling mask, but his hairline wasn’t as lucky.

When Shark Week Falls on Halloween

The underwater-themed song “Baby Shark,” with its extremely catchy chorus, is currently regarded as one of the most popular YouTube songs, having received close to nine billion views.

When Shark Week Falls On Halloween

When Shark Week Falls On Halloween

It’s not surprising that the song about a family of sharks would serve as the idea for a family’s Halloween costume given how well-liked the song is among kids. The neighbors were certainly not thrilled to hear the song played on repeat all night, despite the fact that their costumes were undoubtedly as beautiful as the tune.

Nightmare, Line One

Few things have made people fear picking up the phone more than the 2002 horror film The Ring, with the exception of telemarketers. The story of a cursed videotape that kills the viewer a week after they see it is told in the remake of the Japanese horror movie.

Nightmare, Line One

Nightmare, Line One

Naturally, anyone who witnessed this video would jump upon hearing the ring of a phone, as in the movie, the person who watches the tape instantly receives a distressing phone call with a strange person on the other side informing them that they had “seven days.”

A Puzzling Situation

Halloween is the ideal opportunity to express your creativity through unique and imaginative costumes. Sadly, some costume concepts look better on paper than they do in person.

A Puzzling Situation

A Puzzling Situation

This individual discovered that her Rubik’s Cube costume served as a temporary table in a crowded performance. Although she has a funny narrative to share about this experience, we are confident that her outfit for next year will be more streamlined and less like a table.

Putting the “Boo” in Boo Boo

On Halloween, there is a particularly strong impulse to play practical jokes or attempt to terrify people. Although these practical jokes are frequently harmless, as this post shows, they can still have negative effects.

Putting The “Boo” In Boo Boo

Putting The “Boo” In Boo Boo

This poster was the one who ended up being terrified when, while attempting to startle his girlfriend’s young sister, he found himself in the emergency hospital. We hope he learned his lesson and just participates in trick-or-treating for the treats.

From “Boo” to “Brrr”

Never underestimate how irresistible free candy may be. Even though doing so required walking through one of the worst snowstorms in American history, this person felt the need to satiate their sweet craving. The Upper Midwest saw unprecedented amounts of snow and ice from the storm, known as the 1991 Halloween Blizzard.

From “Boo” To “Brrr”

From “Boo” To “Brrr”

The natural disaster started on Halloween and resulted in more than $63 million in losses and 22 fatalities. Despite the threat, this severe weather posed, some families decided to carry on the custom of trick-or-treating.

Monkeying Around

One of the risks of dressing up in a lifelike costume for Halloween is the possibility that you’ll be mistaken for the genuine thing. The mother of this poster chased this person down with a frying pan, giving him the scare of a lifetime.

Monkeying Around

Monkeying Around

To be fair, even on Halloween, most people do not anticipate a huge gorilla “bursting” into their home. Fortunately, despite this crazy situation, the ape was unharmed.

Halloween Manners

Many people believe that proper behavior and etiquette are becoming less important in today’s culture. Thankfully, there are still some people who believe it is their duty to continue instilling these values in the next generation, even on Halloween.

Halloween Manners

Halloween Manners

This older woman appeared to be unaware of the traditional Halloween greeting and instead taught these kids some etiquette. Unfortunately, in addition to being reprimanded, the kids received the extremely odd “prize” of pickles and toothbrushes.

Congratulations! It’s a… Werewolf?

Many hospitals hold their own Halloween parties with personnel frequently dressing up due to the delicate conditions of many patients. When the personnel of the maternity unit chose to dress up for Halloween, the infant was welcomed into the world by a werewolf in the true holiday spirit.

Congratulations! It’s A… Werewolf?

Congratulations! It’s A… Werewolf?

While it’s likely that this newborn was startled to open their eyes and discover a hairy cryptid beast, it will undoubtedly be wonderful to celebrate their birthday on one of the most celebrated festivals in the world.

“Witch” Nose Is Which?

In the well-known Cinderella tale, Cinderella and the prince spend a romantic evening together before the clock strikes midnight. The princess runs away, but not before leaving behind a shoe that subsequently links her to Prince Charming.

“Witch” Nose Is Which?

“Witch” Nose Is Which?

Similar to other couples, this couple’s love story also had a Halloween-themed beginning. I only want to ask you, “Will you hold my witch nose? “this led to a marriage that lasted for more than two decades. Who thinks the most romantic holiday is Valentine’s Day?

Love Can Be a Scary Thing

One of the scariest movie characters is Michael Myers from the Halloween franchise. The menacing theme song from the film alone might make you feel uneasy. It’s understandable that this individual didn’t want to stop and talk to someone who was dressed as the murderer in a mask.

Love Can Be A Scary Thing

Love Can Be A Scary Thing

The same cannot be said for her crush, even if this person was wise to flee what might have been a very deadly scenario. Why didn’t he take off the mask right away?

Mirror, Mirror, on the Wall

Mirrors have traditionally served as a symbol in horror films. It seems like many horror movies feature at least one scene where a character looks into a mirror and sees something grotesque in the reflection.

Mirror, Mirror, On The Wall

Mirror, Mirror, On The Wall

This brave individual fearlessly entered a hallway filled with unsettling mirrors and found themselves in a truly nightmarish situation. The most bizarre aspect of this tale is that instead of her mistake with the mirror, people believed her bleeding appearance was the result of special effects makeup.

Believe it or Not

A 2012 Angus Reid Public Opinion survey found that over 30% of Americans believe in Bigfoot. There are a lot of people that think the enigmatic hominid is “certainly” or “probably” real.

Believe It Or Not

Believe It Or Not

The fact that there is a real group called the Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization that keeps track of sightings of the legendary creature is even more astounding. Seeing any enormous creature in the middle of the night will give everyone fear, even those who do not believe in Bigfoot.

Oh, Deer!

It’s usually a scary situation when hungry trick-or-treaters can’t get any more candy. Fortunately, other people are more resourceful and look for the next best thing, which in this case would be a recently slaughtered deer.

Oh, Deer!

Oh, Deer!

Halloween is the perfect occasion to be among unusual body parts. It was undoubtedly the strangest Halloween this poster had ever had, even though their mother wasn’t delighted with this lanky “treat.”

No Day Like Today

Depending on the year, several holidays fall on different dates. For instance, Thanksgiving is observed on the fourth Thursday in November. However, Halloween is usually observed on October 31.

No Day Like Today

No Day Like Today

The ancient Celtic celebration of Samhain, which celebrated the onset of winter and the end of summer, served as the inspiration for the current holiday of Halloween. The Celts thought that on this day, at the tail end of October, the spirits of the dead may return to the world of the living.

Denture Danger

People choose dentures for a variety of reasons. Wearers of dentures may have a number of health advantages in addition to an increase in self-esteem. The grandfather of this guy had no idea that his teeth would give these gullible trick-or-treaters the scare of their lives.

Denture Danger

Denture Danger

It appears that others screamed as well when Grandpa’s fangs protruded from his mouth, in addition to the trick-or-treaters. He scared himself, and we know those kids won’t be trick-or-treating at that house the next year!

Super Bathroom

When the superhero enters a plain phone booth as Clark Kent and exits as Superman, it is one of the most well-known scenes in the Superman films. However, since the invention of the cell phone, phone booths have all but disappeared.

Super Bathroom

Super Bathroom

So, in the absence of a phone booth, what should a superhero do? When five Clark Kents appeared as Supermen after using a public lavatory, this poster discovered the solution. Let’s hope that washing his hands is one of Superman’s superpowers.

Hallo Werewolf!

Germany saw political, governmental, and sociological upheavals throughout the 1980s. The modern west and communist east of Berlin were separated by a wall until the end of that decade.

Hallo Werewolf!

Hallo Werewolf!

This poster made the decision to introduce Halloween to Deutschland while the nation through these changes. Sadly, his endeavor to create the holiday failed miserably. Many years later, it appears that Germans are only now beginning to embrace this new practice.

Putting the “Trick” in Trick-or-Treat

This astute trick-or-treater decided to make the most of her diminutive stature on Halloween night by devising the perfect prank. This poster, a grown woman in her 30s, made the decision that the allure of free candy was simply too alluring.

Putting The “Trick” In Trick Or Treat

Putting The “Trick” In Trick Or Treat

She had a wonderful idea to disguise herself as a child trick-or-treater, and it appeared to work because she and her friend were able to divide the proceeds of their candy scam. Even if their strategy was successful, it does raise the question: Are all those trick-or-treaters with masks actually children?