These Simple Fashion Tips Will Totally Transform Your Wardrobe

Published on 09/21/2022
These Simple Fashion Tips Will Totally Transform Your Wardrobe

These Simple Fashion Tips Will Totally Transform Your Wardrobe

The foundation of the fashion industry is founded on timeless and modern aesthetics that are intended to enhance our appearance and well-being. However, if we style our clothes incorrectly, even with the smallest elements, we risk spoiling the entire look by giving the impression that we’ve put on weight. Stay tuned to learn about these fashion faux pas to avoid having the same consequence with your attire, since nobody wants it.

The Loose Sweater And Skirt Combo

The Loose Sweater And Skirt Combo

Although everyone’s go-to winter staple, loose sweaters also conceal our waistlines and give the impression that our lower bodies are shorter. So it is essential that we tuck our sweaters in while wearing them with skirts. If not, we will appear shabby like the woman in the left image. In order to enhance your form, it’s also a good idea to pair the loose long sleeve with a tighter skirt.

The Waistline Cinch

Since the waistline is typically the smallest region of a woman’s body, it’s crucial to embrace rather than conceal this feature. As demonstrated in the left image, wearing loose, ugly clothing can deceive and make us appear larger than we actually are.

The Waistline Cinch

The Waistline Cinch

Because of this, we advise either getting your clothing changed to be tighter, like this woman did, or adding a belt to cinch in your waist (right-side).

Avoid Bulging

When a piece of clothing bulges, it signifies that you look lumpier or bigger than you actually are. Try to stay away from purchasing clothing that gives you this look because it is a style that no one consciously desires.

Avoid Bulging

Avoid Bulging

As can be observed, both this black cocktail dress and the mom jeans on the right are giving the woman the appearance of having stomach rolls.

Tuck in Your Shirt

Pulling down the shirt when wearing a long-sleeved t-shirt with a skirt, as shown below, quickly adds imaginary extra pounds (see the left-side). This is as a result of the two-part division of your form and the creation of stomach rolls.

Tuck In Your Shirt

Tuck In Your Shirt

We don’t want to promote this look because it is quite unattractive and doesn’t highlight the skirt nicely. Instead, tuck the shirt in and let the skirt’s waistline to tightly squeeze you in.

The Best Belt for You

A decent rule of thumb is to choose a thicker belt when attempting to flatter the figure. A wider, chunkier belt is excellent for cinching in your waist because of its width.

The Best Belt For You

The Best Belt For You

Light-colored belts are also acceptable, although it depends on the rest of your outfit. Your waistline may appear greater if your coat is darker than the belt you’re wearing.


The matchy-matchy aesthetic is never attractive, unless you’re in elementary school. In addition to being boring, wearing the same design on every piece of clothing might make you look bigger than you actually are.

Matchy Matchy

Matchy Matchy

Try to limit yourself to one piece of pattern instead. Playing with different designs within the same outfit is another choice that is much more enjoyable. In a creative approach, clothing that “clashes” can seem really chic.

The Art of the Skinny Jeans

Try to keep in mind that the ideal pair of slim jeans for you will be those that are a little loose and will highlight your ankles. Additionally, avoid wearing shoes with pants that contrast in color because this can make you appear heavier and give the impression that your legs are shorter.

The Art Of The Skinny Jeans

The Art Of The Skinny Jeans

We think the left-hand shot is more attractive out of the two that this wonderful lady took because she tucked her blouse in and was wearing cute sneakers.

Show-Off These Body Parts

Our instinctive response when we feel like we’ve gained a few pounds is to try to conceal as much of ourselves as we can with clothing.

Show Off These Body Parts

Show Off These Body Parts

The neck, wrists, ankles, and waistline are some of the “thinner” body areas that should never be concealed, however we do appreciate and sympathize with this fashion decision. We appear slimmer and feel more delicate when we flaunt these body parts.

The Coat to Skirt Dimension

Wearing a coat or raincoat that is shorter than our skirt is a major fashion faux pas that makes us look heavier. This is particularly valid when using contrasting hues.

The Coat To Skirt Dimension

The Coat To Skirt Dimension

We give the impression of an extra layer that cuts our body by donning a coat that isn’t long enough to cover the length of our other outfit. Ladies, remember this important detail the next time you shop for a coat—the image below speaks for itself.

The Right Undergarment

If you are properly tucked in and have smooth lines, you can do this by wearing the appropriate undergarment below your attire. Make a concerted effort to get the bras, underwear, and shapewear that are most suited to what you wear on top because we’re rather certain that nobody likes the alternative.

The Right Undergarment

The Right Undergarment

This illustration demonstrates the difference between wearing the incorrect undergarment and the appropriate undergarment. The woman’s abdominal area clearly shows the disparity between the two.

The Tracksuit Wins Here

Although it would seem like tracksuit pants would always be more flattering than short shorts, that is not the case in this instance. Our shorts may make us appear larger if they are overly short. Conversely, track trousers that are both fitting and airy can be really attractive (as seen on this woman).

The Tracksuit Wins Here

The Tracksuit Wins Here

The childlike print of the tee, which draws attention in a negative way to the stomach area, is another reason we are criticizing her clothing on the left.

Pay Attention to Pockets

People with pockets may appear wider, especially if you want to use the pockets to store a variety of objects. Pay attention to where the pockets are placed; do they attract attention to your stomach or another region you’d rather not be highlighted?

Pay Attention To Pockets

Pay Attention To Pockets

It matters how your pockets are shaped as well. Are the pockets deep and protruding, making you appear wider? Alternatively, are they slim and tucked in to avoid adding bulk?

The Rule About Lines

While horizontal lines can have the reverse impact, particularly in the belly region, vertical lines help us appear more streamlined and longer. So it can be difficult to decide how to decorate this woman’s clothing, which combines both.

The Rule About Lines

The Rule About Lines

The length of the dress becomes important at this point; since it ends just above her knees, we like the way the jacket on the right accentuates her waist.

The Pencil Skirt Principle

It’s a popular fallacy that the short, black, and tight skirt is the best option when looking for a flattering skirt. This is actually untrue because short skirts unnaturally shorten the lines of our legs, especially if they are a dark color.

The Pencil Skirt Principle

The Pencil Skirt Principle

In addition, wearing the garment makes it uncomfortable to sit and walk, which makes it useless. Instead, go for a pencil skirt that flatters your figure and reflects your femininity.

The Geometric Design Downside

While geometric design patterns on clothing are aesthetically beautiful, they frequently give us a squared-off appearance. The woman in the picture looks far nicer and leaner in the plain black dress than she does in the other, comparable clothing.

The Geometric Design Downside

The Geometric Design Downside

This doesn’t imply we can’t wear clothing with this design, but it’s not advised for dresses and skirts unless they are short and show off your legs.

The Power of a Tan

The power of a tan is known to produce the illusion of shredded weight, which may astonish some people. If you’re still not convinced, take a look at this before and after comparison; you can clearly see how much her legs have changed.

The Power Of A Tan

The Power Of A Tan

This is because skin that is darker provides the impression of having a finished surface. Additionally, a tan helps conceal undesirable redness or bruising, which is a benefit. Therefore, to instantly feel better, simply spray on some tan.

Don’t Overkill the Oversized Look

It’s crucial to consider the accessories you pair with big clothing when wearing them. Because the top is very roomy, we advise keeping your handbag and jewelry on the more delicate side.

Don’t Overkill The Oversized Look

Don’t Overkill The Oversized Look

The pictures below wonderfully illustrate how the little details, which tie the outfit together without adding bulk to your top half, may make all the difference. Finally, when wearing these big outfits, don’t forget to expose your wrists.

The Sweater Fix

Although many of us adore the loose sweater, our waistlines would speak for themselves if they could. This is so that sweaters can conceal our waists and provide the appearance of a shorter torso. When styling your sweater in the future, it’s a good idea to add a belt to raise it up and draw attention to your body.

The Sweater Fix

The Sweater Fix

When you understand that a tiny belt was responsible for all that magic, the before and after are rather astounding. Now that you’re dressed, you appear fashionable, flattering, and 10 pounds lighter!

Flared Shorts Are Your Friend

Tight, straight-leg shorts can be unattractive and give the appearance of having a larger thigh. Your legs will appear much thinner in contrast if you choose flared shorts. They will most surely be more comfortable as well because they are looser.

Flared Shorts Are Your Friend

Flared Shorts Are Your Friend

For individuals who want to emphasize their curves, flared shorts create a somewhat more varied appearance. Conversely, straight-legged shorts give the impression that your leg is completely flat.

How to Style Your Busiest Dress

The timeless fashion advice to keep in mind when styling your appearances is that less is more. The jacket should complement the woman’s figure and help pull the outfit together due to the business of the patterned dress.

How To Style Your Busiest Dress

How To Style Your Busiest Dress

Because of this, we like the design on the right more because it mutes the vibrancy and creates a slimming impact. Having said that, we do appreciate the red’s ability to stand out on the left, but we believe the woman’s hips are accentuated by the short cut.

The Side Tuck

Less is more is a statement that we’ve all heard, and it surely holds true for fashion! A simple suit can easily be given the extra pizzazz it needs with very little effort.

The Side Tuck

The Side Tuck

Consider a side tuck, for instance. This style of tuck not only adds some flair to simple items like jeans and a sweater, but it also gives them a little bit of shape.

Roll it Up

You’ll discover that it’s all in the little things when it comes to designing your clothes in the most attractive way. As we previously noted, flaunting your neck and wrists can make a difference, as this woman demonstrated. Another method is to roll up your pants.

Roll It Up

Roll It Up

Rolling up your jeans allows your ankles to show, thus this styling advice is particularly for baggier jeans. Your legs will instantly appear thinner as a result, something we’re sure everyone will like.

It’s All in the Fabrics

We may appear larger than we are when we wear clothing that is overly tight or is made of a rough material. Because of this, it is typically preferable to wear clothing made of supple, forgiving fabric in order to conceal any unattractive parts.

It’s All In The Fabrics

It’s All In The Fabrics

Additionally, avoid rigid or square necklines (as seen above on the left side), which hide our neck area and give our chest a boxy appearance.

The Stripe Dilemma

While it is a misconception that all vertical stripes are thinning and horizontal ones add on the pounds, the thickness of the stripes is the true indicator when it comes to what looks flattering. For example, frequently narrow stripes add dimension and can help hide our pounds, while thicker and rare stripes can hide our feminine curves and make us look dumpy.

The Stripe Dilemma

The Stripe Dilemma

This can be seen in the photo above, where the woman on the left has the dreaded horizontal lines yet still looks beautiful because of how thin and numerous they are.

The Trouser Fit

Ladies, trouser pants offer such a stylish and refined appearance, especially for business clothing. The fit is everything when it comes to wearing the appropriate pair. The woman looks bigger thanks to the way the beige pants swim on her, as seen on the left side of this image.

The Trouser Fit

The Trouser Fit

The black pair on the right, however, are more flattering to her because they better fit her legs. Look at how the pants loosen up in the middle and then flare out towards the hem. Now that fits perfectly!

The Beltloop Tuck

Do you possess a top or blouse that is little too long or loose on you and that you hardly ever wear? It doesn’t matter if you spent a lot of money on it or not. In either case, getting rid of it would be regrettable.

The Beltloop Tuck

The Beltloop Tuck

The good news is that we have the perfect solution for you; all you need is that baggy shirt and a pair of shorts or pants with belt loops. Simply said, use one of the side belt loops to pass the extra fabric at the bottom of the shirt through. The shirt’s tail should then be taken and tucked into your pocket after being looped through.

The Shoe Details

We might appear taller and thinner by wearing heels, which has a powerful effect on our appearance. However, we should carefully consider the style of heel we choose to wear. Even though the two photographs in the image below appear to be extremely similar, the heels have a minor stylistic difference.

The Shoe Details

The Shoe Details

The shoes on the right feature a strap around the ankle and less of a platform than the ones on the left, which are the traditional peep-toe stilettos. Unfortunately, this ankle-strap gives her legs an unpleasant look and adds an unusual dynamic to her ankles.

The Smartest Smart Jacket

Any outfit can look better and more professional with the addition of a stylish jacket. For just this reason, we think they should be a closet essential. Despite the fact that we think both jacket displays in this instance are attractive, we feel that the plain white one is the clear victor because of its condensed length.

The Smartest Smart Jacket

The Smartest Smart Jacket

The most flattering option here would be to choose a smart jacket that still emphasizes your bottom frame because the smart jacket is meant to produce a square frame on our shoulders.

The Kimono Rule

The kimono has its roots in Chinese fashion from many centuries ago, during the Wu period. The outfit resembles a silk robe in appearance, but with time it has evolved to be more appropriate for wearing during the day. And today, the kimono is a favored element of fashion for casual attire.

The Kimono Rule

The Kimono Rule

One must, however, keep in mind to put on a long-cut one, as seen above on the left. If not, the item simply has the appearance of a flowy cardigan that would make anyone look bulkier. Additionally, the vast length is required because the entire purpose of it is to reflect a robe.

How to Pair Your Loose Jeans

If you choose to wear looser jeans, the accessories you choose will decide whether or not your outfit looks good on you. Here on the left, the woman’s appearance was harmed by a few stylistic errors.

How To Pair Your Loose Jeans

How To Pair Your Loose Jeans

She first opted for a top that concealed her décolletage before layering an enormous cardigan over it. If you’re going to wear loose pants, it’s a good idea to make sure your chest is little exposed, like she skillfully did on the right-side.

The Shape of Sunglasses

Unbelievably, even the wrong pair of sunglasses can make us appear larger than we actually are. Wearing the proper pair of sunglasses for your facial form is crucial because of this. Wearing a form that genuinely contrasts with your face is the fashion maxim here.

The Shape Of Sunglasses

The Shape Of Sunglasses

For instance, choose a square-shaped pair of sunglasses, like this Gucci pair seen below, if your face is more oval-shaped. Although fashionable, the round sunglasses are not suitable for all facial shapes.

Opt for Well-Fitted

Finding clothing that fits you is vital, regardless of your size. Many people choose larger clothing to cover certain body parts, such as their gut or waist, that they feel uneasy flaunting. However, this behavior can actually make you appear considerably larger than you are.

Opt For Well Fitted

Opt For Well Fitted

Try well-fitted clothing that detracts from your midsection while still emphasizing your waist instead of the loose-fitting dress in the image.

The Power of Posture

The following fashion faux pas has little to do with clothing in general and much more to do with appearing larger. Learning how to stand straight can help us appear longer and even make us look taller and slimmer.

The Power Of Posture

The Power Of Posture

Even while this example is somewhat dramatic, it does demonstrate how a poor stance can make our tummies appear larger and our bodies appear shorter. Ladies, always remember to keep your shoulders back and to stand up straight!

Winter Essentials

Naturally, keeping warm is our top priority when it comes to winter attire. Having said that, we still want to appear stylish and wear clothes that compliment our figures. So, even though an oversized sweater makes us feel the coziest, it also gives us the frumpiest appearance.

Winter Essentials

Winter Essentials

Try an oversized cardigan that is long in length, like the one pictured below, as a decent substitute. You can rock the winter when you wear this outfit with a fitting top.

The Higher the Heel

The saying “the higher the heel, the closer you are to heaven” is well-known. Well, we’re great fans of it since wearing high heels really does give the impression that we’re taller, which makes our legs appear longer. The image to the right provides evidence.

The Higher The Heel

The Higher The Heel

Although the woman on the left still has what we believe to be amazing legs, we do believe that the straps on the shorter heels also add to her appearance as being shorter. Recall to flaunt those gorgeous ankles that God has given us!

Printed Pants

Plain black or grey trousers can be easily replaced with printed pants, but the success of the substitution depends on the size of the print. Try to keep in mind that larger prints give the wearer a larger appearance while smaller prints give the wearer a thinner appearance.

Printed Pants

Printed Pants

Because of this, it is advised to choose the little flower pattern on the left rather than the attractive pink motif. Large and striking designs are beautiful, but that doesn’t mean we have to wear them on our jeans.

Don’t Give Up on “Frumpy” Pieces

You don’t necessarily have to give up on a piece of clothes that you really adore but that is a little drab or unflattering. Any piece of clothes can seem stylish with the correct accessories or tailoring.

Don’t Give Up On “Frumpy” Pieces

Don’t Give Up On “Frumpy” Pieces

A belt can make a formless dress flattering by cinching the waist. You can look younger by wearing a vintage dress with a contemporary-looking blazer. Don’t give up on the clothes you love, in other words.

Going Dark With Makeup

In contrast to a lighter, more youthful appearance, using thick, dark makeup might make you look heavier and older. A lot of black makeup can detract from the aesthetics of your face as a whole and enlarge all of your features, even those you may not want to be emphasized.

Going Dark With Makeup

Going Dark With Makeup

Your best bet is to keep the rest of your makeup light and only use dark makeup on one facial feature. Don’t choose a dark lip if you choose a smokey eye, for instance.

Cardigan Length

Untucking a long cardigan might make your hips appear wider and give the appearance of a shorter torso. Tucking a cardigan in can draw attention to your waist and give you a thinner, more fashionable appearance.

Cardigan Length

Cardigan Length

You’ll be all set if you add a belt to define your waist and a blazer or an unbuttoned blouse to finish the outfit. The jacket or unbuttoned blouse should be on the longer side to lengthen your torso and make you look slimmer.

It’s All in the Details

A few minor adjustments to an outfit can radically change the way you look. Just unbuttoning the highest buttons on your blouse can lengthen your neck and soften your expression.

It’s All In The Details

It’s All In The Details

A belt that exactly matches your dress—that is, one that was included with the dress—may be dull, and the lack of a color contrast can give you a dowdy appearance. Use a different belt in a complementary color instead.

Wearing All Black

Yes, black helps you look slimmer. But going overboard and wearing nothing but black can give off the impression that you’re straining a little too much.

Wearing All Black

Wearing All Black

Consider a person who overdoes the foundation; you would probably conclude that they had acne or another issue that they are trying to hide. If you want to look slimmer, wear black, but don’t go overboard. Throw in some different colors now and then.

Tight and Stretchy Jeans

Yes, we do desire form-fitting jeans that highlight our gorgeous curves. It’s also true that we want loose-fitting, comfy pants so we can move around in them.

Tight And Stretchy Jeans

Tight And Stretchy Jeans

Having said that, we don’t want our thighs to look like they could suddenly jump out of our pants because they are so tight and stretchy. As a general rule, choose pants and jeans with at least 4% elastic fiber and at least 2% elastic fiber, respectively.

Draw Attention Upward

A chic blazer may most definitely hide a wider belly if you want to draw attention away from it. This gaze directs attention upward and away from the stomach. Additionally, the blazer’s sleek lines create vertical lines along the silhouette, which slims the figure.

Draw Attention Upward

Draw Attention Upward

Just keep in mind to tuck your bottom-layer shirt into your slacks or skirt to prevent bunching or creating rolls under the blazer.

Say “No” to Turtlenecks

Turtlenecks can conceal any extra skin around the neck, but they also give the overall impression of being larger. Turtlenecks bulk out the upper torso, which is problematic for people with larger shoulders in particular.

Say “No” To Turtlenecks

Say “No” To Turtlenecks

Depending on how satisfied you are with that aspect of your physique, wearing this style of shirt may highlight or conceal your jawline. In a similar vein, turtlenecks have a tendency to accentuate women’s chests, which can be advantageous or disadvantageous.

Glasses Frames Can Change the Game

If you regularly wear glasses, it can be worth spending money on a new pair if you want to change up your appearance. A person’s face may appear older and larger if they are wearing glasses with thick frames.

Glasses Frames Can Change The Game

Glasses Frames Can Change The Game

However, a delicate frame is perhaps less noticeable against the face. Similar to this, light-colored, basic frames can be really attractive. With plenty of decorations and dark frames, the face may appear heavier.

Location Is Everything

We are all aware of how crucial it is to tuck our shirts in for a stylish and slender appearance. You must tuck your top in correctly; it is not sufficient to simply do so.

Location Is Everything

Location Is Everything

Tucking in shirts too low or into sagging pants will make you look chubby since it will appear that your tummy is pulling the pants down, even though it isn’t. A shirt should be tucked in well above the hips while wearing pants that fit at the waist.

Dainty Jewelry for a Dainty Look

Your aesthetic will be big and loud if your jewelry is big and loud as well. Similar to this, you’re more likely to exude that aura if your jewelry is delicate and elegant.

Dainty Jewelry For A Dainty Look

Dainty Jewelry For A Dainty Look

Although there is nothing wrong with having a larger-than-life presence, bulky jewelry might not be the greatest option for you if that is not the appearance you’re going for. However, if you want to stand out, wearing large jewelry can be the best option.

Tent Tops Are a No-No

The fact that they are termed “tent tops” for a specific reason ought to be enough to make folks steer clear of them. Choose a loose shirt with a bit more of a cut if you prefer the look of a light, airy shirt.

Tent Tops Are A No No

Tent Tops Are A No No

We suggest a form-skimming shirt that isn’t fully form-fitting but won’t appear like a literal tent either. Loose shirts are best worn in moderation, just like most things in life.

The Fit and Flare Dress

The traditional fit and flare dress is without a doubt the winner when it comes to flattering dress styles (as shown on the right-side). The form draws attention to our smaller area before flinging out to conceal our bigger area.

The Fit And Flare Dress

The Fit And Flare Dress

On this stunning model, the contrast between this fit and the gaping bodycon dress (as shown on the left-side) is pretty striking. While her attractiveness is obvious in both images, her form is really complemented by the fit and flare dress.

Which Boot is Better?

A small heel never hurts when selecting the most flattering boot to complement our ensemble (well, unless the heel is uncomfortable and then it actually does).

Which Boot Is Better?

Which Boot Is Better?

The main advantage of wearing heels is that they increase our height, which in turn makes us look slimmer. Additionally, the shoe on the left here still allows us to glimpse the ankles, which is a terrific fashion advice as we now know.

Same, Same but Different

While it took us a while to distinguish between these photographs, once we did, we understood the significance of a new haircut. Despite having the exact same clothes on, the woman in the right image really looks lighter thanks to her shorter hairstyle.

Same, Same But Different

Same, Same But Different

This is due to the fact that more of her chest and shoulders are now visible, which is believed to be more aesthetically pleasing. Girls, the next time you feel like you need a change or want to lose weight, go to the hairdresser first.

The Maxi Dress

It is a common misconception in fashion that women with larger busts should wear wide, tent-style dresses like the one on the right. The empire waistline is a more attractive style, which we wish to promote even though the bodycon fit isn’t the only option.

The Maxi Dress

The Maxi Dress

The fit is slightly tighter above the waist before flowing down, as shown on the dress on the left. This silhouette helps to accentuate the female form and conceal the flaws.

Knowing Your Shirts

Wearing a shirt with no buttons, as shown on the left side of this image, will not help you in your effort to conceal some weight. In reality, it will make you appear frumpy and have the exact opposite impact.

Knowing Your Shirts

Knowing Your Shirts

Instead, we advise dressing in a button-down shirt that you may wear open, with a simple t-shirt underneath (as seen on the right side). You now have a longer, cooled appearance that enhances your figure.