Every day, it occurs to women all around the world in practically every industry! It is what? Mansplaining! For whatever reason, some men feel the need to explain some things to the women in their lives and those around them, even if the woman doesn’t ask them to. Don’t trust us? Here are a few instances where women were mansplained at work to demonstrate how absurd it can be.
At your first job, being asked to work on a project alongside your boss is a big deal. However, nothing makes you feel more prideful than coming up with a solution to the project’s difficulty.
Sadly for the young woman, her boss sought to claim ownership of the concept. And he felt compelled to tell her about the concept that she had actually thought of. That must have been annoying!
It Is Pronounced Like This
Due to historical colonial immigration, many people have developed various pronunciations of the same name. That implies that there can be some variations in pronunciation from one country to another.
Therefore, if someone corrects your incorrect pronunciation of their last name, pay attention and adjust your pronunciation rather than correcting them rudely as this man did. It’s their name after all! They are the experts in this. Right? Yes, we do realize that.
Role Reversal
Working in a specialty store teaches you a lot of important skills. These abilities were created especially for that market. As a result, after some time working there, it can be very upsetting when a customer tries to direct you on how to carry out your duties.
But karma exists, and for this woman who had been mansplained by a customer, it was finally her time to shine when the same customer returned to complain that the product wasn’t functioning properly.
Inspirational Quotes
Even if you don’t think the terminology makes much sense, there are times when you have to use it because it is required of you in a particular position. It seems a little redundant to have someone call you out on this and make an effort to explain to you why the term is meaningless.
This woman took the correspondence mansplaining in stride and instead used it to inspire the creation of a motivational poster to serve as a reminder of the incident.
Out of Order
Unfortunately, some men simply don’t think that women are capable of handling mechanical problems and household equipment. They believe that because it is a machine, they are more knowledgeable than someone who has held their post for a long time.
When the woman sought to inform her coworker that the tumble dryer was broken, she encountered exactly that kind of mansplaining. He simply had to have a look for himself.
Grappling With the Basics
Being a videogame designer requires you to acquire a wide range of fascinating knowledge. This is because you try to make every aspect of your games as realistic as you can when you’re creating them. And that also applies to equipment like a grappling hook.
Consequently, the lady knew she was in for some serious mansplaining when the male employee sat down with her to explain how a grappling hook worked. Nevertheless, he was aware that she was completely informed and didn’t require an explanation. How annoying!
Who Is the Author?
The creation of policy and procedure manuals for your business requires a lot of effort and commitment. So, while it is an honor to be asked to do this, it is also a significant duty. If you perform this function, we can assume that you are fairly knowledgeable about such regulations and processes.
So it goes without saying that you don’t need a new employee trying to teach you what you already know so well. It’s time to speak up at this point and stop the mansplaining conversation in its tracks.
Let Me Educate You a Little
Being mansplained by a subject matter expert is one thing, but hearing it from someone who is significantly less knowledgeable than you on the subject is quite another. This woman, who attended universities in both the US and Germany, was in this situation.
Nevertheless, despite the fact that she had two degrees, her male counterpart tried to educate her about the disparities in educational attainment. He ought to impart his knowledge to someone who will cherish it, perhaps.
Here’s the Deal
The internet is a wealth of knowledge regarding medical procedures. So many people today believe they are qualified to respond to medical questions even without a formal education. Almost exactly as this man did.
When the patient’s spouse decided to explain the operation, talking directly over her, the female nurse must have been pretty irritated. What surgical knowledge does an accountant have, too? We believe it would be best if you sat down, sir!
Don’t Quiz Me
Giving someone a modest compliment could be enough if they are well renowned for being exceptionally skilled at something. But unfortunately, this guy felt the need to mansplain a compliment, which is not the same thing, as this artist.
In addition, unless it’s your teacher, who quizzes someone else? At the same time, it’s quite unpleasant and somewhat condescending. In actuality, it’s a surefire recipe for disaster, thus we don’t agree with it!
A Silver Lining
The right lighting is one of the most crucial elements of any store or office. Therefore, it is essential to have an electrician out as soon as something breaks. It goes without saying that the electrician doesn’t have to be such a knucklehead.
While attempting to assist, this woman received what seems to be a quite basic lesson on what a lightbulb is and does instead. Mansplaining is extremely annoying because of this!
Victim Versus Villain
Being a woman in a job where men predominate might be difficult. Therefore, it was inevitable that some males would feel that this woman, who worked in the furniture industry, needed a unique explanation of something at some point.
In addition to explaining something to her that she already knew, he did so in front of a crowd. If you’re going to mansplain, pick multiple victims when there are many available. You’ll appear to be a complete villain.
But That’s My Job
Mansplaining can occur when a male coworker is unaware of what exactly you do for the company. The fact that this individual thought he didn’t need to send invoices for payment suggests that this is the case in this instance.
He spent some time explaining this to his female coworker, who was understandably perplexed given that she had been sending and receiving invoices every day for the previous four years.
Are You Kidding?
There are instances when you honestly think that the person giving you advice is joking. You can either laugh it off or become really unhappy when you learn they aren’t.
If someone tried to lecture us on an Excel spreadsheet that we had made ourselves, we’d probably be the latter. We find it hard to imagine that she listened for a full 45 minutes. We would have gone insane!
Don’t Teach the Teacher
When students start their careers as nurses or doctors, teaching them about human anatomy is a crucial procedure. Many times, experienced nurses are also hired to instruct these students. However, not all male students appreciate them for whatever reason.
Why else would this man feel the need to mansplain things to a knowledgeable expert while she was lecturing? This male student needs some space to reflect on his disrespectful actions.
Let Me Help You
Mansplaining in customer service can also occur from consumers rather than only male coworkers. Just ask this lady who was having a little computer trouble.
I don’t know about you, but we’d be pretty displeased if a customer leaned over the counter and attempted to assist us with our computer problems… Particularly in this case since she had just done the same thing!
Here’s the Rundown
We were certain that the man was merely attempting to be truly pleasant when we initially began reading this article. That is, up until she started attempting to convince him that she was already capable of doing it.
This is a prime example of someone who was not paying attention and believed that in order to complete the task at hand, they required extra justifications since their teammate was female.
Let Me Show You Something
A wonderful pat on the back comes from a friend asking you to assist them with something you’ve been doing for years. This would give the impression that they genuinely believed in your abilities and knew you were capable of performing well.
But it became a frustrating mansplaining moment for this accountant. It appears that while reviewing the books, she discovered some mistakes. And as a result, her male counterpart felt the need to correct her by explaining to her a basic accounting concept.
Got Me?
When it comes to the law, there are numerous complicated regulations and standards. Therefore, it is clear why certain areas of the law occasionally need to be repeatedly examined to make sure that attorneys are acting legally.
However, we are confident that some important concepts are straightforward and always on the mind of the lawyer, just like in any other profession. However, this manager felt the need to mansplain some of these fundamental ideas, even advising his female employee to Google it.
I’m the Medic
Being mansplained by an industry insider is one thing. But it is much more annoying when you have to put up with this from someone who hasn’t even attended school for the job you perform.
When patients stop to remind the nurse that she needs to insert the needle into the vein to draw blood, we are confident that she can become rather irritated. This nurse has likely drawn thousands of blood samples.
Preaching to the Choir
Marketing evolves with the times. Each generation reacts differently and requires certain signs in order to be seduced by something. Therefore, what might be popular among members of generation X will almost certainly not appeal to millennials.
Mansplaining at its finest is when baby boomers try to tell you, a millennial woman, what a millennial woman would like. But it appears that they are being made fun of.
Mind Your Business
Women’s bodies are capable of many astonishing feats, and women typically have a strong sense of self-awareness. It becomes second nature to know things like what size feminine hygiene products you should use.
These discussions take very frequently between women, but when a male employee intervenes and tries to mansplain what a woman needs to him, things get unpleasant quickly.
One True Anecdote
Women’s rights is a complicated and wide-ranging topic. That is why so many individuals enroll in college to study it, particularly women. So it could be a little challenging to handle a mansplainer if you’re a female with a degree in this field.
It is astounding and demonstrates the need for the feminist movement that this man chose to criticize the lecturer in front of the entire class in order to emphasize the role that men played in the struggle for women’s rights.
Here’s the Recipe
There are several workplaces that organize potlucks for holidays and other special events. To ensure that no one brings the same thing, this usually entails talking about what each individual is going to bring and creating a list.
This woman planned to bring Frito pie because it was customary in her home country. But as she was explaining it, a male employee felt the need to weigh in and explain what the object was actually composed of.
Let Me Break This Down
We are confident that you are well-equipped to understand how everything functions once you have completed your education, obtained a master’s degree, and worked in the area for a significant amount of time. But perhaps not everyone will share that sentiment.
Despite the fact that she is obviously an expert in her profession, this man felt the need to explain Social Security to her. How impolite can you be!
Google It
There is no need for people to test you on a subject if you have a degree in it. Particularly when it’s someone who is unfamiliar with it and needs Google’s assistance. These individuals fit into our “Go Away” category.
In fact, if we were this female chemist, we would have told this mansplainer to go away. It’s incredible how much shaming and hostility professionals face!
Kick it Up
Some men find it difficult to believe that women participate in and teach combat sports. After all, these sexist men likely believe that women should participate in less violent sports like golf and volleyball.
Therefore, we bet she wanted to show him exactly how to throw a kick as the man tried to instruct this highly skilled martial artist on how to do so properly. She did well by developing her resilience.
Back Down
There must be nothing more agonizingly irritating than a know-it-all new employee, speaking as someone who is in charge of training the new workers. We want to give some straightforward advice to everyone out there.
Don’t interrupt when your superior is speaking and pay attention. Raise your hand if you have a question or inquire as to their availability. Above all, avoid ever attempting to appear overqualified. It does not look good!
Mr. Mansplain
It must be frustrating to have a higher-up employee mansplain something you do every day, especially when they do it incorrectly. Sadly, such was the situation with this particular woman.
He is no longer employed by that company, therefore it appears that she won the argument in the end. I’m sorry, Mr. Mansplain, but your time in charge is over. Go give your pointless lectures somewhere else!
Stop Talking!
Although it’s impolite to stop paying attention when someone is speaking to you, if they are mansplaining or acting chauvinist, you are free to tune them out and daydream.
Otherwise, feel free to put him in his place if you’d like. You don’t just enter someone else’s home and make them uncomfortable in their own skin, come on.
Repeat After Me
The likelihood is that someone who has experienced a disease is knowledgeable about the condition and well-suited to give advice to others.
Therefore, if a mansplainer were to enter the scene and insert himself somewhere he had no business being, we would also have left the area before our rage reached a boiling pitch where we would likely require someone to restrain us.
The Truth About Feminism
When brought up in the wrong settings, feminism may be a sensitive subject. All women understand what feminism is, even if they are not all feminists.
The fundamentals are the same regardless of how slightly it may vary from person to person on a larger scale. The most egregious example of mansplaining is when a man tries to explain feminism to you as a woman.
You’re Doing it Wrong!
On many different levels, dealing with an IT department can be frustrating. They can be very technical and difficult to understand, in addition to frequently giving you straightforward instructions and assuming that they will solve all your problems.
However, this woman was not perplexed and had been performing it flawlessly for some time. However, the IT man felt the need to explain how to set up WiFi in mansplaining terms. Do yourself a favor and zip it!
A New Title
When it comes to selling a car to someone, there are various steps. Obtaining the vehicle’s title for the new owner is among the most crucial of these. After that has been transferred, you are essentially finished.
However, after ten years, this client felt they required a new title. He felt the need to mansplain the procedure to her when she attempted to tell him that he could call the DMV for this.
That’s All Wrong
It’s challenging enough to work in retail, but when you’re a woman in a sports-related store, you’re inevitably going to run into some men who don’t think you know what you’re talking about. That is what happened to this woman.
The customer decided to mansplain to her that everything she had been told was incorrect after telling her everything she knew about how these jerseys were made.
Just Checking
Math is one of the most crucial abilities to possess when working in a marketing firm. Math is actually one of the important talents you should possess in the majority of firms. So, don’t expect someone to double-check your work if they ask you to calculate an easy sum.
Well, Mr. Mansplainer 2.0, next time don’t override a professional. However, this mansplainer just couldn’t stop himself and when the female colleague called him out, he promised that he was “just checking.”
Data Tracking?
Having your boss constantly mansplain to you what to do every day must be a killer after performing your job properly for several years. especially if you are someone who trains other employees in the organization to use this expertise.
Sometimes, it seems like these men act in this way to make themselves feel superior to you. Other times, they might believe they are being helpful but simply lack the communication skills to do so.
Thanks but No Thanks!
It is their right to prefer using a pen and paper to a calculator while performing mathematical operations. Her male coworker apparently didn’t believe this to be the truth and wanted to show her all the amazing things Excel can achieve.
Bring on the one-hour mansplain with convoluted techniques that ultimately produced the same results as the pen-and-paper method. It’s actually best for folks to remain silent at times.
But I Already Know
Bring on the one-hour mansplain with convoluted techniques that ultimately produced the same results as the pen-and-paper method. It’s actually best for folks to remain silent at times.
However, if you’ve been employed by a company for any length of time, you undoubtedly know how to do this. Therefore, why did this manager still feel the need to mansplain? He probably simply couldn’t help himself.
A Man’s Touch
When you work in a field that involves computers or any other form of technology, you quickly learn the skills necessary to handle any little problems that may come up. However, it isn’t always a rapid fix and sometimes takes some time.
We would have lost our minds when this hot-tempered customer barged in and suggested that perhaps the equipment required “a man’s touch” to properly be fixed. How disrespectful and rude can you be?
Thanks for Nothing
As a result, many employees who work in supermarkets might not be completely knowledgeable about the section they are in. However, the majority of grocery stores provide them with tools so they can make sure they adequately address all of their customers’ inquiries.
For instance, everything is plainly labeled where this girl worked, in the seafood section. This saved the customer from having to explain each fish to her in detail.
Do it Like This
When attempting to merge a laptop with a PC, several rather complicated arrangements can be made. It is, on the whole, a quite straightforward process. Furthermore, you ought to be able to do it regardless of your level of computer expertise.
The team leader didn’t believe his female teammate could complete such a straightforward task. He felt the need to specify how to do it, therefore. To us, it seems a bit like mansplaining.
Ruining the Downtime
In their free time, coworkers frequently discuss their interests and favorite activities outside of work. Building rapport in this way is a terrific idea. Therefore, maintain your composure if someone discloses some of their sensitive information to you.
Unless this individual went on to describe to his colleague a game that she has previously acknowledged playing. If we were the female in this situation, we would have either asked him to stop chatting gently or simply left.
That’s Not Right
When you have a disability as a woman, you quickly develop self-management skills. There shouldn’t be any need for any man to tell you otherwise because you understand how to modify any task for your own unique demands.
Unfortunately, this woman encountered a man who felt it necessary to educate her on the principles of physics and how to properly operate her wheelchair. She appears to get around quite well, so we believe she most likely has it.
A Free Demonstration
Gift wrapping is a service that many shops provide around the holidays. This will enable their consumers to spend less time shopping and still offer their loved ones beautifully wrapped presents.
The majority of those working these tables or counters have a decent understanding of what they’re doing because they’ve been doing it for a while. This individual, however, did not concur. So he believed he had the right to enter the store’s back room and show the girl how to perform her duties more effectively.