40+ Amazing Designs That Make Life A Bit More Interesting

Published on 01/03/2023
40+ Amazing Designs That Make Life A Bit More Interesting

40+ Amazing Designs That Make Life A Bit More Interesting

Sometimes in life, we wish to stand out from the crowd. We all aspire to achieve that at some point, whether it’s in our personal or professional lives. This frequently results in some innovative creations that liven up life. Uncertain of what we mean? Check out these inventive and original ideas we found.

No Ball Return

No Ball Return

We think that there are many elements that go into creating the space and the business when you open a business on the seaside. This is most likely considerably more crucial if you plan to build a mini-golf course on the pier. One, you know that balls will eventually end out in the water. Why not design them to biodegrade? In this manner, they decompose into fish food. Great concept!

Optical Unicorn

The issue with bathroom art is that it becomes monotonous. You typically need to occasionally swap out the pieces in order to prevent this. This person knows how to do it. This is clever even if we have no idea how it was done.

Optical Unicorn

Optical Unicorn

The reflection in the mirror does not match the image on the wall! People exiting the restroom will be left scratching their heads as they try to understand it because this not only offers it a new look.

A Picture Says a Thousand Words

It can be difficult to teach children any subject, therefore keeping their interest requires making learning enjoyable. Teachers approach this in many ways. It can happen through contests and rewards at times, or it can take on even more unusual forms.

A Picture Says A Thousand Words

A Picture Says A Thousand Words

This math teacher had a stamp created of his face so that he could personally certify the students’ good behavior. Although it is a little and foolish strategy, it appears to be working.

Urban Chic

More and more eateries are launching every year. This implies that making an effort to stand out and be eclectic can call for spending a little more time being creative. This might be the case with your food or the décor, like with this hip restaurant.

Urban Chic

Urban Chic

This neighborhood establishment opted for a more urban-chic aesthetic, so it only made appropriate to include some outdoor seating that is built inside some vandalized cement sewer pipes.

Plop Plop

There are some actions you should do as normal practice when treating a cold. You require your couch, a large, fluffy blanket, hot soup (often with chicken noodles), and hot tea.

Plop Plop

Plop Plop

Honey is a component of tea, but the conventional method of adding honey to tea can be messy and sticky. Someone made a honey ball that dissolves in the tea as a result. This will undoubtedly make the healing process more enjoyable!

Wrapping it Up

Many businesses are seeking for ways to recycle their products and practice more eco-friendly practices. There are many ways to accomplish this, but this newspaper appears to have one of the most ingenious strategies we have ever come across.

Wrapping It Up

Wrapping It Up

They decided to print some adorable patterns on the back of the newspaper rather than filling all the pages with the news. By doing this, you can use the newspaper you already have to wrap any extra gifts.

Come on In

Some pet owners enjoy granting their dog or cat unlimited access to the backyard. This makes you want to install a pet door, but the typical model is typically unsightly and spoils the appearance of your entire home.

Come On In

Come On In

Why not be imaginative? These homeowners did exactly that, and gosh, is it cool! The neighborhood dogs and cats must all be envious right now.

Swiss Army Shirt

It is natural that your glasses may become dirty or smudged as you use them. Because of this, many people always have a microfiber cloth on hand. What happens when it does get lost, though, sometimes?

Swiss Army Shirt

Swiss Army Shirt

This young man came up with a smart idea. You won’t ever lose it if you just stitch it to the inside of your shirt. Perhaps he ought to sell these!

Remote Pocket

Who doesn’t enjoy curling up with a favorite show, turning on the TV, and just watching it all at once? It is one of the small pleasures of life. However, you will need a remote, which we all know has a tendency to go under the covers, unless you have a voice-activated device.

Remote Pocket

Remote Pocket

We all require this improvement to the fitted sheet. It’s a great idea to include a pocket to hold your remote and anything else you need quick access to.

I’ll Take a Drink and Some Quarters

You probably spend a lot of time at your neighborhood laundromat if you don’t have a washer and dryer in your house or apartment. What are you going to do while you wait for your loads to finish?

I’ll Take A Drink And Some Quarters

I’ll Take A Drink And Some Quarters

If your buddies are still in the spin cycle, you might perhaps get a drink and meet up with them. That was a brilliant idea in the eyes of this creative businessman.

Blow Out the Candles

Why don’t we have any sort of celebration on the day we were born? The majority of us had our first birthday party on the day we turned one, but it should have been the day we were actually born. Maybe it’s because no one has given that any thought yet.

Blow Out The Candles

Blow Out The Candles

But this hospital did, so they send you a little kit with everything you need for a party when your baby of joy is all set to go.

What Not to Do

There is typically a manual included when you purchase a new item or gadget. It contains all the information you need to utilize your new gadget correctly when (or if) you open it. That is all well and good, but it doesn’t advise you on what to avoid doing.

What Not To Do

What Not To Do

This electric blanket decided to offer us a peek at certain things we shouldn’t do because it might be more crucial. It is both distinctive and mildly humorous.

Pop the Cap

Some individuals prefer sparkling water, but it frequently comes in difficult-to-open bottles that make it difficult to consume when traveling. This could result in unpleasant circumstances and unfortunate beverage loss.

Pop The Cap

Pop The Cap

The sparkling water was packaged in a plastic container with an aluminum can top by this sparkling drink manufacturer. How do you feel? Has the issue been resolved? In our opinion, yes.


A clever design doesn’t always need to be useful. It’s not even necessary for it to make any sense. Take a look at this stylish bicycle, for instance.

Bone Cycle

Bone Cycle

You would probably feel cool riding it, in addition to it being a cool site to photograph. It doesn’t matter why this person felt the need to design a skeleton bicycle; we don’t know. This is simply too awesome.

Light it Up

Interactive books and games are a kid favorite. There are numerous ways to write a book that teaches readers this, but this Japanese animated children’s book did it in a special way that complemented the plot.

Light It Up

Light It Up

The young reader can locate unseen ghosts all through the book with a black light pen. What a blast that is! A clever strategy to guarantee that the young reader finishes the book.

Jurassic Tacos

Children react to fun things. In fact, by making it a little more exciting, you can encourage children to try new things or dishes that they don’t particularly like. However, it is unlikely that any child would object to one or two tacos.

Jurassic Tacos

Jurassic Tacos

In any case, this eatery made a wise decision by creating these kid-friendly taco delivery systems. We bet even adults wouldn’t mind being served with this presentation because it’s such a cute notion.

How Does That Feel?

You have a few options if you want to display your own individuality when it comes to your desk. You might include images of your loved ones as well as some motivational sayings and accessories.

How Does That Feel?

How Does That Feel?

We’re giving full credit to the business that came up with this great mousepad that was discovered by this person. You can now add a dash of refinement to your workstation.

Man’s Best Friend

It seems careless to waste water, especially when there are dogs nearby who could benefit from a cool drink while they are playing in the park. It’s crucial to use your resources wisely if you want to protect the environment.

Man’s Best Friend

Man’s Best Friend

This park took everything into account and created a water feature that addresses every one of those criteria. We believe that this is among the list’s most ingenious designs. How do you feel?

Finding a Way

Plug space is essential because there are so many items we use that require energy. To solve this issue, many people use power strips, but how do you fit another plug in the wall socket, especially if it’s a large one?

Finding A Way

Finding A Way

You won’t need to be concerned about that with this curved plug. Our daily lives are a little bit less hectic thanks to this minor modification to a conventional plug!

Seaside Decor

Some individuals overlook the door handles while constructing their homes. These handles make it simple and coherent to complete your decor, and by picking the perfect color or pattern, you can convey a lot.

Seaside Decor

Seaside Decor

What we’re referring to is this door handle’s ingenious octopus tentacle design. Even without looking at the surroundings, we can already tell that this property must be close to a beach of some kind.

Higher We Go!

One of the only times you can coax your kids away from all those electronic devices is when you take them to the park. It’s lovely to push kids on a swing, but why should they have all the fun? Just not fair, I say!

Higher We Go!

Higher We Go!

This is the reason a creative designer chose to think a little beyond the box while designing this swing set. Children and adults can swing together on this swing. Our favorite!

Cup of Joe

Making ensuring your business is successful requires you to invest in marketing. You can make people test your goods by making them stop in their tracks with the correct mascot and packaging.

Cup Of Joe

Cup Of Joe

The ideal illustration are these adorable owls. Observe how the owl is completely awake when drinking ordinary coffee and a little sleepy when drinking decaffeinated coffee. That marketing graphic design is quite astute. Additionally, it never hurts to be cute!


All kinds of things use USBs, but some of them are made so you have to flip and twist them until you discover the perfect method. Given how frequently these devices are used today, this may be incredibly frustrating. We don’t know why this is still a thing, but someone has to address it.

USB Minded

USB Minded

Oh no, someone did! The USB connector on these headphones is made to fit easily and without difficulty in any charging port. Case closed: the issue has been resolved.

Spritz a Little

While it would make applying the cologne much easier, on the other hand, this perfume package just doesn’t sit well with us. We’re not sure if this is creative or an accident waiting to happen.

Spritz A Little

Spritz A Little

Although we have mixed feelings about placing cologne in a bottle that resembles window cleaner, the idea is nevertheless ingenious. We only hope that consumers won’t confuse the two things. If not, it’s a recipe for a delicious disaster!

Stacking it High

Have you ever seen a waiter or waitress lug around so many plates and glasses at a restaurant? What is their secret!? If we did that, we know there would be a lot of serious mishaps, but perhaps not if we use these specially crafted cups.

Stacking It High

Stacking It High

Because the handles on these cups stack, you may carry several drinks at once without worrying about spilling any of them. These would be wonderful for gatherings!

Are You a Little Crabby?

The ability to use one tool for many purposes is always useful. Because of this, even among individuals who are not particularly outdoorsy, Swiss Army knives are very popular.

Are You A Little Crabby?

Are You A Little Crabby?

But that plain, red, outdated appearance is anything but enjoyable. The Swiss Army Knife serves the same function as this designer’s amusing crab shell, but it’s twice as amazing.

One Cup Fits All

How annoying is it that you need a different coffee cup for every situation? You have one for the vehicle ride and one for the morning meal at the table. This results in more dishes to wash and takes up morning time.

One Cup Fits All

One Cup Fits All

Your life will be made more enjoyable by this unique cup holder for an automobile. It’s great because you no longer have to bother about washing the second mug.

Where Do Old Books Go?

Many items that we put in the trash should not be thrown away. In reality, you can make other things out of a lot of those material. Why not do something like this, for instance, if you work in a library and are asked to get rid of the outdated and broken books?

Where Do Old Books Go?

Where Do Old Books Go?

This might be among the most ideal home furnishings ever created for a library. It’s a fantastic idea! Even Architectural Digest would likely endorse it, we bet.

Chill Out

Small apartments might make you feel as though there isn’t enough room for anything, particularly in the kitchen. No matter how well-organized you are, there aren’t many ways to solve the spatial challenge.

Chill Out

Chill Out

You could just order takeout every day or go grocery shopping as usual and hope your floor has a cool cubby hole. This apartment’s sneaky floor-mounted refrigeration unit was installed by cunning builders. We adore you!

Locally Sourced

It’s crucial to support regional companies. Marketing these goods will not harm any of those well-known multinational companies while also assisting farmers in their struggle to survive. In keeping with this, this eatery has dispensed with the usual Coke or Pepsi offerings.

Locally Sourced

Locally Sourced

Their soda machine dispenses a variety of regional sodas in a wide range of flavors. The bad news is that if you like that Coke, this might be your only option for obtaining it.

Just Pull Over

One of the American businesses that has established a presence over a significant percentage of the globe is McDonald’s. These international locations frequently have unique distinctions from the typical American franchise. The menu and the design might both be very different.

Just Pull Over

Just Pull Over

If you want to make your city open to everyone and live in a city with canals, you have to be even more resourceful. A drive-through McDonald’s for boats is called McBoat.

Where’s Waldo?

Visiting the dentist is not enjoyable. Someone’s hands must be in your mouth as you sit in that chair. In addition, all you can do is stare at the roof for however long the treatment takes, becoming temporarily dazzled by the intense lights.

Where’s Waldo?

Where’s Waldo?

This dentist has given careful consideration to his patients’ experiences and has devised a clever method of keeping them amused throughout their operations. While your dentist does your root canal, why not spend the time searching for Waldo?

Pay it Forward

There are many things we do that are bad for the environment, but more products are becoming recyclable as attention is drawn to ways to repair the harm we have already caused. This ingenious pencil is one of these items.

Pay It Forward

Pay It Forward

You can plant this pencil once you’ve used it all the way to the end. The seeds at the end of the pencil will develop into a tree after being planted in the ground and given water. awesome, right?

Cluedo Levelled Up

Play to the crowd, is what we advise. Why not offer your guests a fun game of Cluedo when you own a bed and breakfast? That’s a creative and enjoyable addition to any space.

Cluedo Levelled Up

Cluedo Levelled Up

This one is a 3D creation that is really skillfully made. This is both playful and offers the establishment a hint of a more upscale air.

Good Way to Start Your Day

Whether you didn’t get enough sleep the night before or you’re just not a morning person, it can be challenging to get going in the morning on sometimes. But a great meal and some encouraging motivation can really help.

Good Way To Start Your Day

Good Way To Start Your Day

This milk not only contains the calcium you need to improve your day, but it also offers some helpful advice. A two for one deal is always welcome!

Wheel 0f Pickups

When comparing guitars, pickups are crucial, but unless you give them a little test drive, you won’t know if they meet your demands. This usually results in hours spent switching between guitars with various pickups.

Wheel 0f Pickups

Wheel 0f Pickups

This guitar store came up with this smart design after deciding it was stupid. You can turn it around to hear the sounds of all of its pickups.

Shhh, I’m Sleeping!

Some individuals may find it challenging to sleep in a hotel. There are strange people there, and other guests at the motel are rude and loud. In order to try to block out the noise, many people bring earplugs with them.

Shhh, I’m Sleeping!

Shhh, I’m Sleeping!

By including a white noise generator in each guest room, this hotel has chosen to assist its guests with this problem. That is shrewd and will unquestionably improve the standard of their stay.

Engine Brick

Once more, creative designs don’t always have to be utilitarian in order to enhance your life. These can occasionally be just superficial, but that’s okay. Not that it won’t add something else to your life, either.

Engine Brick

Engine Brick

Take, for instance, this pink engine cover in the form of a Lego. When you open the hood, much of it merely has a nice appearance and accomplishes the function just well. All we can do is hope the color matches the car. Aside from that, this was a really odd color choice.

Rinse and Spit

We have a water feature in the sink in the bathroom. Long-term bother reduction could result from this, and the bathroom would undoubtedly be considerably cleaner when the youngsters have finished brushing their teeth.

Rinse And Spit

Rinse And Spit

Consider scooping the water into your hand or using a special cup for rinsing. Additionally, you can take a drink of water to rehydrate yourself if you become thirsty while you are there.

Moving in Style

You can’t just hitch a trailer to a car this cool, of course. This person must have stolen the rear end of another car and converted it into a trailer because doing otherwise would just spoil the entire aesthetic.

Moving In Style

Moving In Style

That was incredibly brilliant because they now have have a modern-looking trailer. Additionally, we would have stopped and taken a photo, or at the very least asked our passenger to do so.

Can You Grab Me Some Beef Jerky?

What should you do with an old car wash that has been abandoned for a long time? There are many possibilities that will undoubtedly bring in some nice money, but a drive-through convenience store is the one that will bring in the most.

Can You Grab Me Some Beef Jerky?

Can You Grab Me Some Beef Jerky?

These days, getting some water and snacks before you leave the house doesn’t even require getting out of the car. That is the height of convenience!

Tripping Me Out

If you enjoy a little quirky décor, you undoubtedly think about ways to spruce up your home frequently. You could certainly repaint the walls or perhaps add some unique furnishings. A door may be made to resemble a portal to another realm, which would be even better.

Tripping Me Out

Tripping Me Out

This homeowner made a distinctive piece of decor that we are certain none of their friends have by using mirrored paper and adhering it to this door.

Step on Up

There aren’t many people that have canals in their backyards, but if you have, you’ll need to figure out a means to make getting in and out of the boats easier. This transportation method has already been thought out in certain parks.

Step On Up

Step On Up

They constructed steps for both humans and animals. Ducks and young puppies can utilize the small steps next to the ones for humans.

Leaf it Alone

Although having a well packaged design may not seem to have much of an impact on your life in general, it can give you a feeling of added luxury, and who doesn’t want to feel luxurious? Finding this cleverly constructed soap was undoubtedly successful.

Leaf It Alone

Leaf It Alone

This can be added to your bathroom to enhance the design and make the space even more welcoming for you and your visitors. Additionally, recycling it will make you feel good afterward.

A Relaxing Bath

Inconvenient bathtubs might occur if they are not a good size. Sometimes all you want to do is take a long soak in the tub and let the day’s tension wash away, but if you’re too fat for it, your relaxing time is wrecked.

A Relaxing Bath

A Relaxing Bath

This stylish lounge chair tub design could be the answer. Its design incorporates a table and a light, which is very unique and clever, don’t you think?