45+ Funny Times The Internet Caught People Making Unsuccessful Attempts

Published on 09/20/2022
45+ Funny Times The Internet Caught People Making Unsuccessful Attempts

45+ Funny Times The Internet Caught People Making Unsuccessful Attempts

It used to be that when you made a fool of yourself, only the people in the room would know. Nowadays, thanks to social media, one unsuccessful tweet or text can find its way to thousands of more people. This may be bad for the person who made the error, but for us, it is something that can bring smiles to our faces. Here are the times that the internet caught people having an off-day!

Did You Know?

A lot of people keep hard-boiled eggs in their fridge for a quick snack. So one of the first things people learn how to cook is one of these nutritious and versatile treats. It is commonly known that once you’ve boiled the egg, you remove the shell of it.

Did You Know?

Did You Know?

Turns out that not everyone is as well-informed as we expected. Not to worry though, as someone on the internet was more than willing to correct this poster’s error.

Grammar Lesson

We think the responder presented this person with just the right amount of ‘proof’! See what we did there? This is why you need to make sure you are making a legitimate proclamation when you dare someone to prove you wrong.

Grammar Lesson

We do think that Johnnie could have let this unknowledgeable poster down a little easier. However, he sure does have a point! This was an unsuccessful attempt to make people think they were smarter than they were.

They’re Watching Us

A lot of people think that all this new technology is helping the government track us. So this post is not surprising, but it seems that people forgot about an old-school aid that the government uses to identify us.

They’re Watching Us

They’re Watching Us

That is right, long before Face ID, there was the good old ID. They store our pictures and necessary information so actually, most of us have been identified since we were 16 years old.

Those Who Live in Glass Houses

If you take it upon yourself to become the ‘grammar police’ then you better be really good at it when you police others on their grammar. Otherwise, you’ll fail to get your point across and make yourself look like a fool in the process.

Those Who Live in Glass Houses

Those Who Live in Glass Houses

The heading we used is a proverb that basically means we should not criticize others for things we do ourselves. If we are found guilty of such a thing, then we get hit with the unwanted ‘hypocrite’ label.

A Geography Burn

Some people are just not good with geography. If you are one of those people, that is okay. But you probably shouldn’t be calling anyone out. Unfortunately, this person did not get that memo and really put herself out in the line of fire.

A Geography Burn

A Geography Burn

The original poster thought she could use a quick refresher in her geography and thought a visual aid was better than some words. We think that was a subtle yet effective call!

You’re Busted!

Posting fun little quotes and life lessons are something that a lot of people do. It is always nice when you try to inspire others to be more kind but if you are going to do that, then make sure you are being legitimate and telling the truth.

You’re Busted!

You’re Busted!

This guy thought he could use his own grandmother as a pawn for his plan to come across as a perfect gentleman. But he forgot his friends had met Nana and he got busted! Shame on him for being a nice person imposter!

Did You Hear That?

Most of the time, thieves try to break into homes when no one is around. Maybe this story is a perfect reason why that is a rule of thumb. After all, you never know when someone is going to crack a good joke and we all know how hard it is not to laugh!

Did You Hear That?

Did You Hear That?

This unsuccessful robber was put in that very position and couldn’t contain himself. This led him to get busted. The moral of the story here – try not to laugh at strangers, it’s weird. Only kidding, the real one is simply don’t rob people!

Don’t Do It!

Having a good set of tires with plenty of treads is vital to a driver’s safety. So why this person thought sanding down that tread was a good idea is beyond us. But as crazy as it was, she seemed really proud of herself.

Don’t Do It!

Don’t Do It!

That didn’t last long because someone took the opportunity to warn her of the dangers behind her tire renovation but in the most fun way. Then again, we just hope she got the joke. You never know with people these days!

Proof Positive

If you want to prove something, many people think that the way to do that is to give people a visual example. So this person thought they were expanding on their view by doing so, but all they did was open themselves up to an epic fail.

Proof Positive

Proof Positive

You can see the light reflecting off the rock, which is what gives the shading on the rock. So, we can’t blame the person who responded to this post and tried to clear things up. There’s already enough fake news out there!

Tomorrow’s Another Day

The stress of writing exams is enough to make anyone’s brain a little foggy but with that being said, getting the exam date mixed up is pretty unacceptable.

Tomorrow’s Another Day

Tomorrow’s Another Day

We hope this kid was able to turn his bad day around and is all signed up to write the supplementary test. He should at least be able to try writing the test before feeling so unsuccessful. Our heart does go out to you, dear Diego!

Use the Postbox Next Time

Delivery systems nowadays are known to be pretty efficient and accurate, so if you ask for your parcel to be sent through a window, then that’s exactly what you’re gonna get! It’s not the Delivery company’s fault for what happens after that.

Use the Postbox Next Time

Use the Postbox Next Time

The fact that this parcel went into the toilet is totally on the homeowner who stupidly requested this odd location. Sorry to be crass, but this unsuccessful attempt here falls on the dude with the ugly handwriting!

We’re Not All Mathematicians

It is fun to play with riddles, especially when they are a stumper like this one. This person doubled down on their answer, and everyone just let them. We think that someone should have spoken up more emphatically to let them know this answer was not correct.

We’re Not All Mathematicians

We’re Not All Mathematicians

The answer is actually 67, and someone should have let the guy know that. Now he is going to go around telling this riddle until someone corrects him in person. That will hurt more than over the internet!

Oh, Snap!

Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but we hope that when they use it, they use real scientific proof. That is why this person’s opinion fails to make any headway.

Oh, Snap!

Oh, Snap!

It’s funny how sometimes when people try extra hard to sound smart, they often misuse words or phrases and end up sounding like anything but smart. And by the way, if you want to dye your hair a crazy color, more power to you!

Poor Christina!

It is always nice when someone gets called out by a big name on social media, especially like this guy who thought this woman was a drag queen. Though drag queens love her, she is as most people probably know, the very talented Christina Aguilera.

Poor Christina!

Poor Christina!

Netflix, of course, had to chime in and do the two snaps to let the guy know that it seems pretty apparent that this person doesn’t get out that often. LOL! Drop the mic and walk away.

The Sodium Mystery

We really dislike it when people dangle something in front of us without giving us sufficient substance. Such was the case with this mysterious sodium post. Plus, the poster insinuated that we don’t have the brain capacity to unpack the joke.

The Sodium Mystery

The Sodium Mystery

Well, jokes on him because the person who responded seemed to make a mistake in the sentence and it reads that “most people are smarter than you.” We hope this was done on purpose because the original poster needed to be knocked down a few pegs.

Wrong Profile

Insurance companies have advanced a lot in the last few decades, and often they don’t even have to send anyone out to the accident. This is because now everyone has a camera with them at all times. So they often just ask for pictures instead.

Wrong Profile

Wrong Profile

This poor woman thought they wanted pictures of her. So she failed to get the job the first time, but she got it eventually. It was nice that the agent was so understanding and complimentary.

Come on Kylie

Kylie Jenner may be the youngest billionaire to date but that doesn’t exempt her from being a total hypocrite. Don’t believe us? Just check out these two posts which were posted back-to-back.

Come on Kylie

Come on Kylie

She posted a heartbreaking photo about the harshness of the Australian wildfires and how they claimed so many animal lives, which is incredibly sad! But, not long after, she showed off her pedicure in this plush, super expensive, branded slippers made from – MINK!!

Are You a Psychic?

It seems to us that they should have said ‘spoiler alert’ before posting this graphic. Why would you ask the man with the knife if he’s going to stab you? It sounds like you’re provoking him which is the last thing you’d want to do in a dire situation like this.

Are You a Psychic?

Are You a Psychic?

We know that news stations have to be quick in order to ensure they’re reporting on the news in real-time, but there is usually someone in charge of all the visuals and graphics, and they clearly failed with this one.

Tit for Tat

Parenting is challenging! That is why everyone has to form their own opinions and ways of dealing with it. But when you have controversial ideas, and you willingly put them out into the universe, you are bound to receive some pushback.

Tit for Tat

Tit for Tat

So when this anti-vaxxer of a mom announced her efforts to the world, she was met with an analogy that we have to say is pretty accurate! A little harsh but well worded and will definitely give the original poster something to think about.

Who Is That?

How could anyone see this picture and think that the late and great Kobe Bryant (RIP) was anything but great? The fact that this person legit thought the all-star basketball legend was a creeper just goes to show how ignorant and uninformed people can be.

Who Is That?

Who Is That?

But it’s okay as someone out there was willing to show this poster the error of their ways. After all, it’s clear that he was their coach! Or is that just us?


Revisionist history is how a lot of people explain their positions in the world. This guy clearly is a fan of legalizing a certain green plant but he chose to back up his claim using a biblical argument, and well… someone had something to say.



The rebuttal for this post is priceless and entirely accurate. Maybe the first person just hadn’t read the Bible in a while because there was this apple tree that God said not to eat off as it had poisonous fruit!

Expanding the Business

Sometimes parents make decisions that they think are the best for their kids. If that means moving their kids to another school to keep them out of trouble, then that is what they will do. Unfortunately, this mom’s attempt backfired in an ironic way.

Expanding the Business

Expanding the Business

The young entrepreneur just took his business to a high-class customer, and though he got a better education for sure, he was also able to build his unsavory empire.

A Designer’s Flaw

Many of us like to wear clothes that have cool graphics on them. This hoodie was intended to let people know that those who wear it are against animal cruelty, but the designer responsible failed to check how it would look with the hood down.

A Designer’s Flaw

A Designer’s Flaw

With this faux pas in mind, now the hoodie’s message is totally unsuccessful in that it now promotes the very thing it’s against. The analogy of shooting oneself in the foot is befitting to this scenario.

What’s the Address?

The Queen of England actually really loves to drive, but she doesn’t often get to do it. So when the press can catch her, those pictures are worth something. But this person brought to our attention that her license plates were blurred out.

What’s the Address?

What’s the Address?

We hope that the second part of what was said in his post was a joke because you’ve got to be living under a rock if you don’t know what Buckingham Palace is.

Messed Up!

When you run for public office, you just assume that your family is going to vote for you. This may be a little naive, as this Indian politician found out. Clearly, there is some division when it comes to politics in his family.

Messed Up!

Messed Up!

We wonder how hard he tried to figure out which four family members voted for the other guy. Maybe they just didn’t vote? That would be better, right? What an awkward conversation to have over a family dinner!

It’s All in That Suffix

Though many men and women in the movies are trying to get the use of ‘actor’ as the only title there is, that doesn’t seem to be catching on. So until then, when you are looking for actresses, you need to google just that.

It’s All in That Suffix

It’s All in That Suffix

The person who responded to this young lady’s post was trying to inform her of the truth but it probably could have been done in a nicer way. No one enjoys being called an idiot. Besides, just by correctly her, her intelligence is already called into question.

Not a Good Vacation

Going to any Disney amusement park is a big deal for kids (and some adults too!). So when parents look to tell them, they want to do it big. This parent thought it would be fun to let his girl try to word puzzle the answer to where they were going on vacation.

Not a Good Vacation

Not a Good Vacation

However, the girl seemed to fail at the attempt, though her solution for the puzzle is very funny but not quite the place that we would be excited about!

False Advertising

When you buy something that says it is indestructible, you assume it is just that. Apparently, this company needs to hire this guy to perform their quality control checks because he was able to totally take that lock apart in seconds.

False Advertising

False Advertising

Even if he was experienced at cracking locks, if the design is supposed to be unbreakable, he shouldn’t have been able to get into it so fast. This seems like a prime example of false advertising to us!

An Expensive Brag

Companies like to let people know that they give back to the world. This gives them a favorable reputation when it comes to public opinion. So, they’ll understandably spend a lot of money to get the word out there, but this just seems like a financial waste.

An Expensive Brag

An Expensive Brag

We’re no expert on smart business but we can tell you for free that this is not it. We’re all for bragging rights but not if it’s going to cost you millions. Plus, using social media as opposed to creating commercials seems to be the route nowadays.

Just Saying

Uber is one of those million-dollar ideas that was a long time coming. It can be used for a multitude of reasons, including decreasing the statistics of drunk driving. In fact, that was one of the main reasons why the app was even created.

Just Saying

Just Saying

So when news broke about the fact that Uber may stop picking up inebriated clients, it seemed like the company was caught red-handed being hypocritical. Plus, if this goes through then we worry that the statistics in car accidents will go right back up again!

A Heated Debate

Climate change is a controversial topic which is why we chose a heading that’ll hopefully make you laugh. Gary came in hot in response to Katie’s comment but unfortunately for him, her comeback won the debate.

A Heated Debate

A Heated Debate

This is because apparently telling Katie to go get an education is like telling a janitor to go get a mop. She was already equipped. We think that Gary is actually the one who needs to educate himself!

Not Good PR

When you are trying to market yourself on your own social media channels, you really want to ensure that whatever strategy you use, favors your product. Otherwise, how are customers going to be motivated to buy what you’re selling?

Not Good PR

Not Good PR

Apparently, the social media manager didn’t catch this, and now it seems that Pandora is okay with coming in last on their poll. Someone should have checked this post before hitting that button. We bet this was quickly deleted but not before someone screenshotted it!

Someone Explain It

We all want rapid charging, and so when someone gives us a way to get it, we all jump at the opportunity. But this poor girl thought that all you had to do was physically type the letter ‘C’ in the comment box, and she would be well on her way to a full battery.

Someone Explain It

Someone Explain It

It is clear that this girl is not a techie, and someone should really let her know that is the type of charger, not a prompt. But please, let her down nicely!

Your Responsibility

With social media nowadays, any landlord or property manager should be really careful when they try to short-change their tenants. This landlord tried to do exactly that in a text but the tenant outsmarted him by screenshotting their chat and getting the word out.

Your Responsibility

Your Responsibility

It just goes to show you that if you are well versed in the tenant laws, you can get stuff done. We hope she helped others in the building, so they were able to deal with this issue too!


Look, we all get a little nostalgic sometimes. It can be brought on by a song, a movie, or even seeing a playground, for some. But truth be told if your remembrance of a particular thing is personal, then keep it that way.



Because by making a generalized post like this you are just setting yourself up to be put in place. This was a total failed attempt at a trip down memory road.

High-Pressure Situation

Pressure cookers are a great way to cook a meal quickly. But they are also very temperamental, so you have to be very careful when using them at all times. Otherwise, fails like what you see here can occur!

High-Pressure Situation

High-Pressure Situation

This poor soul blew up their kitchen and turned that meal into a very expensive one! We wonder what was on the menu that night… Jokes aside, we also hope that no one was hurt.

How to Lose at Life

When you enter into a lottery, you just know that the odds are most probably not in your favor. It’s just one of those circumstances where your chances are succeeding are slim to none.

How to Lose at Life

How to Lose at Life

But when every single one of your numbers is off by one point, you can’t help but feel like you have cursed luck or something. Better luck next time, bud – we recommend that maybe you try investing in the stock market for a safer return!


It is nice to have a good self-image. You may achieve this by practicing affirmations in the mirror. Or every morning, you can meditate on those affirmations. But it is weird to do it on your own social media feed… Perhaps someone should help Madi with knowing how to change accounts.



It looks like someone has already called her out and offered her a hand. We hope this teaches her a lesson that she should worry less about her online life. Then again, this could all be falling on deaf ears.


The debate on what the name of the monster was in the classic Frankenstein by Mary Shelley is one that is always talked about. So when this person saw the first post, they understandably got a little frustrated.



However, they didn’t read it carefully, so the original poster had to get on there and win the day. If you’re going to come back at something, you better be armed with the correct facts!

Wrong Place

We are not sure what this guy was thinking using this image on his dating profile. It is a whole world of wrong. We assume he was intending to put the heart on the towers and not on his lips.

Wrong Place

Wrong Place

Also, this photo proves that he’s lying about his age since this photo most have been taken more than two decades ago. Shame on you Rashed! If that’s even your real name…

Trying to Flex

Nowadays with social media, a lot of us post some regrettable content just to get a little bit of clout. But we have to draw a line in the sand somewhere with what is and isn’t acceptable and we’re drawing the line at lying.

Trying to Flex

Trying to Flex

This dude’s post is the perfect example of what not to do since he claimed he was hacked but the “via mobile” icon said otherwise. Better luck next time!

Stalker Unveiled

If you’re going to stalk your exes, then you better leave no trail behind. Otherwise, you’ll have to live with the awkwardness that they know. But unfortunately, this is quite a common occurrence as people accidentally click ‘like’ on old photos.

Stalker Unveiled

Stalker Unveiled

While of course, you can quickly ‘unlike’ and hope that no one saw anything, chances are those notifications will be your downfall. Such seemed to be the case for Miss @sarapascoe who went one further and tagged herself…

Know the Lines

A lot of us tell little fibs here and there and for the most part, it’s okay as long as you’re not hurting anyone or anything. But if you are going to lie about, let’s say reading a classic book in a post on Facebook, then the least you can do is read the first page, right?

Know the Lines

Know the Lines

Well, this user thought he’d outsmarted us all with his snide post but as it turns out, karma came to bite him in the derriere.

You Don’t Even Go Here

Remember that comedy film Accepted? For those that don’t or do, we’ll give you a quick recap. Basically, Justin Long’s character Bartleby gets rejected by all the colleges he applied to so instead he just created his own fake one.

You Don’t Even Go Here

You Don’t Even Go Here

This post by famous reality star Rob Kardashian reminds us of the movie, except his attempt might even be worse. He totally lied about getting into USC Law, but unluckily the school came back to set the record straight and even tagged some major news outlets to further expose him.

Stolen Property

There are two types of people in this world, those who are artistic and those who are not. Sometimes, for the ones who don’t have that creative touch, it can be difficult to accept and as a result, they might try to claim artwork that isn’t theirs.

Stolen Property

Stolen Property

Such was clearly the case here for Facebook user Rick who unsuccessfully tried to take credit for someone else’s photograph. Unfortunately for him, the real photographer’s name was inscribed for everyone to see. Better luck next time!

A True Trickster

If someone is really good at snowboarding and can do a lot of tricks (like the guy seen in the photo), that doesn’t make them a trickster. No, a trickster is someone who deceives people, and we an example for you right here.

A True Trickster

A True Trickster

This Facebook user tried to appear as if he was a pro-snowboarder by posting this photo. Of course, his attempt was unsuccessful as one easy google image search was all it took to see where it really came from.

Not So Sneaky

We get that having a significant other makes for a great addition and that many people are still in search of theirs. But with that being said, for those who haven’t quite struck it lucky, being alone is also important as it allows you to focus on self-growth.

Not So Sneaky

Not So Sneaky

Unfortunately for this guy, he failed to notice the reflection in the tinted car window… So, we suggest this selfie-taker listens to what we’re saying as pretending to have a girlfriend is just not a good look.

I See You, Babe

If you choose to lie to your partner about your whereabouts, chances are, it’ll catch up to you. Firstly, because with digital technology, it’s pretty easy to track someone down, and secondly, someone might see you out.

I See You, Babe

I See You, Babe

Unfortunately for this texter who claimed they were off to bed, they were actually seen by their partner in the club. While we don’t know yet why this person tried to be deceiving, we certainly smell trouble.

A Sore Loser

In life, we have winners and losers. Then, we have the winners who act like losers and the sore losers who pretend to be winners. Over here, we have the perfect example of the latter scenario as this one swimmer tried to claim the winning spot.

A Sore Loser

A Sore Loser

Yet, his attempt at victory didn’t last long as the real winner of the race (by some 20 yards) saw this post and set the record straight.

No, Kimmy!

Even the biggest celebrities in the world make a faux pas or two online. Such was the case for Kim Kardashian when she called out the brand Armani.

No, Kimmy!

No, Kimmy!

Though they were quick to respond and help her in any way needed, they did also feel the need to correct the media mogul on her bad attempt at spelling Mr. Armani’s first name. Just goes to show how even social media queens can make mistakes online.

Not Sure That’s Right!

Look, we all know that the Kardashian-West family is well off. We are also sure that they could do a lot to help with climate change, but we don’t think they could solve the whole problem. So this girl’s response to Kim’s post was actually weak.

Not Sure That’s Right!

Not Sure That’s Right!

We wonder if Kim K. actually even responded to her. If so, what did she say? Was she nice? It is more likely that Kim didn’t respond because there was no validity to the claim and she’s probably so used to ignorant messages.

Asking for a Friend

You know sometimes you develop special feelings for close friends and those emotions can turn into romantic ones that lend themselves to wanting a different type of relationship. So, if this happens to you, by all means, discuss it with your friend!

Asking for a Friend

Asking for a Friend

But we don’t suggest doing it like this. First of all, have this kind of conversation in real life and secondly, don’t be so blunt as it could tarnish the friendship. What a failed attempt at getting past the friendzone!

The Same but Different

It is good to be different. This means that people get to know the real you and not the one that wants to fit in. So the shirts are pretty awesome except for the fact that all these guys chose to wear them and dress the exact same.

The Same but Different

The Same but Different

At least change the bottom half of the outfits! Now all these individuals just look like standardized hypocrites. Sorry for being harsh but we’ve just had it with all the false virtue.

Let Me Tell You Something

The Marvel superheroes have become something that more and more people are talking about. Plus, comic book nerds live for this stuff, so when someone harshly labeled Stan Lee, a fangirl was quick to jump in and clear up any misunderstanding.

Let Me Tell You Something

Let Me Tell You Something

It is a big issue nowadays where people’s words are taken out of context and manipulated to fit a negative or derogatory narrative. We’re going to leave this claim about Stan Lee being homophobic in the fake news pile!

Flat-Out Fake

A flat tire is a good reason to not go to work. After all, the repair can take quite a while, and it is dangerous to drive a long distance on a spare. So this person seems to have a viable reason for not coming in, right?

Flat-Out Fake

Flat-Out Fake

Except only if that is the truth and remember – the truth always has a way of coming out. The recipient of this picture was able to quite clearly see that this nail had been photoshopped in. Plus, the tire seems to be in a room in a house… None of it is adding up to us.