50+ People Couldn’t Take Their Eyes Off These Strange Airport Moments

Published on 04/27/2022
50+ People Couldn't Take Their Eyes Off These Strange Airport Moments

50+ People Couldn’t Take Their Eyes Off These Strange Airport Moments

With all that’s going on in the world, it’s important to take a break and laugh at the absurdity of it all. It’s critical to maintain your sense of humor during difficult times. To that end, we’ve compiled a collection of the most amusing airport moments for your viewing pleasure.

It’s Me And Junior!

It’s Me And Junior!

For some reason, this new mom decided to poke fun at herself after gaining some weight during her pregnancy. She had just given birth to her first child, after all. That her husband wouldn’t recognize her or their child was a possible concern for her. In spite of the fact that this was his first time seeing his newborn son since he’d been deployed for so long, she was right. Upon her husband’s return, she wanted to greet him with a good dose of levity. It’s so cute!

Yoga On the Go

Even though there are no restrictions on practicing yoga in public, it can be a welcome respite for a stiff body after a long flight. Get your yoga mat out of the living room and you’re ready to go.

Yoga On The Go

Yoga On The Go

This has the potential to start a craze because it is certain to pique the interest of others, who will be encouraged to try your idea and use the time to exercise as a result of your actions.

Will You Marry Me?

While the tradition of publicly proposing has a long history, the allure of it remains strong today. Seeing a couple exchange rings in public is a romantic experience for many onlookers.

Will You Marry Me?

Will You Marry Me?

The people present at the proposal are clearly overjoyed for the happy couple and their future together, as evidenced by this picture. Proposing in an airport will almost certainly make you cry!

A Toilet For Pets

Unless your eyes are playing tricks on you, what you think you’re seeing is a pet toilet. Before long flights, pet owners have only one option: a restroom for their animals.

A Toilet For Pets

A Toilet For Pets

Using this type of gesture, the San Diego International Airport demonstrates that they are concerned with the well-being of their human passengers as well as the well-being of their animal companions.

Look At Me, Daddy!

What a great plan: Introducing the new baby girl to her father for the first time and allowing her father to have a chance to bond with her. And especially when he saw that poster! And we think he is in love with his baby’s mom all over again.

Look At Me, Daddy!

Look At Me, Daddy!

Changing well-known lyrics from a popular song is a novel way to introduce a new father to his new child, and this mother receives major props for her ingenuity in this endeavor.

Just Had To Sit Down a Bit

If you’re a flight attendant and want to sit down for a while, you have a seat that you can use to unwind. Why not sprawl across the length of the plane’s service counter in the back?

Just Had To Sit Down A Bit

Just Had To Sit Down A Bit

Her tired feet can be explained by those heels she’s wearing — which is easy to understand considering the hours she spends walking back and forth. In the hopes that she will take a seat for take-off and landing, lest she tumble across the floor!

Where To Put The Baby?

What do you do if you’re standing in the security line with your child and need to put him down for a second? This mother picked out the bucket closest to her on the belt. In order to put her baby down, she felt like she needed to have both hands free, so she put her child in a bucket.

Where To Put The Baby?

Where To Put The Baby?

The baby could have been sent into the X-ray machine if the belt began moving! That’s because the infant was safe and sound in his container, a place where bad things did not happen.

Unclaimed Luggage

The girl’s appearance is as if she’s dreaming on a conveyor belt – whether it’s in a good way or a bad way, she is definitely sleeping. Waiting in the airport can be boring, but this game will make it more bearable.

Unclaimed Luggage

Unclaimed Luggage

If the plan works, there will be something to keep her busy, such as the luggage belt, because she could go hyper after napping too long. Otherwise, wake her up and get her back to her family where she belongs.

What Happened To the People?

The picture doesn’t reflect reality. You might think that an evil witch changed all the passengers into falcons. Actually, this was a Saudi prince who was using his clout to fly all 80 of his falcons as passengers on a commercial flight.

What Happened To The People?

What Happened To The People?

This is a privilege available only to the very wealthy. But, envy aside, the falcons landed safely. If you are a global citizen, this is your way of life – and you must accept it, no matter how uncomfortable it may be. So raise your hands and demonstrate that you have nothing to hide.

She Must Have Meant Duty

This young soldier had been away from his girlfriend for a long period of time, and she clearly missed him, as evidenced by her leaving him a thoughtful note with no room for interpretation upon his return.

She Must Have Meant Duty

She Must Have Meant Duty

The couple was ecstatic to be reunited, and nothing else seemed to matter to them at the time! This couple will hopefully be able to make up for lost time in their relationship.

No Need To Run!

On the train, is this the real Forrest Gump? No, it was just a doppelganger on his way to see Jenny. This man resembled Forrest Gump from the film Forrest Gump in appearance and attire.

No Need To Run!

No Need To Run!

As a result, it came as no surprise that someone had to snap a photo to document the bizarre occurrence and show it to the rest of the family.

Show the World His Real Face

With this blown-up photo, his friends must have succeeded in embarrassing the poor guy. Hopefully, Mokie saw this photo from afar and kept his face hidden in the reception area.

Show The World His Real Face

Show The World His Real Face

Nobody likes seeing a huge picture of themselves in public, especially when they’re making a silly face. But we’re sure his pals had the best of intentions and were just trying to make Mokie laugh.

How To Win Their Trust

Being in the vicinity of a crashed airplane as you take off would almost certainly cause some anxiety. You will be greeted with this image as soon as you step off the plane at Moscow’s international airport terminal.

How To Win Their Trust

How To Win Their Trust

It is, without a doubt, an absurd method of gaining passengers’ trust – hopefully, the wreckage can be cleaned up as soon as possible so that everyone can have more positive thoughts before taking off.

Vanity Taken Too Far

When you devote your whole life to your looks, you end up like this. Simon’s girlfriend tired of his vanity and thought a public shaming would be a good way to let him know.

Vanity Taken Too Far

Vanity Taken Too Far

It’s possible that it was just a good joke meant to get a laugh out of him – we’ll never know. However, Britney’s sign was sure to attract the attention of all arriving passengers.

The New Comfy Chair

When you are unable to sit up straight any longer, you must find a comfortable position for your head to rest. And what better tool to put to use than your well-traveled-with suitcase companion?

The New Comfy Chair

The New Comfy Chair

It is large enough to hold all of your clothes and is certainly large enough to hold your head as well. However, what about the rest of your body? Exactly where it has always been, in the chair. It only requires a minor reorganization.

Where Past Meets Future

This plane made an emergency landing in middle earth, and they had to enlist the assistance of a few dwarfs to pull it out of the ditch. Hopefully, the dwarfs were compensated for their labor, as no one wants to mess with a dwarf and his gold.

Where Past Meets Future

Where Past Meets Future

All joking aside, this was a scene from the film Man vs. Beast that was being filmed at the time. They wanted to see if 44 little people could outmuscle an elephant, but it turned out that they couldn’t quite manage it.

Not Even During Christmas Holidays?

How will you explain to your grandchild that you were unable to get them a snow globe on the plane because you could not bring liquids? You’ve failed to deliver on the dorayaki they ordered, and who’s going to take the blame for that?

Not Even During Christmas Holidays?

Not Even During Christmas Holidays?

Some gifts are simply not permitted on planes, and with good reason: durian has such a strong odor that it would make the entire flight unbearable for all passengers!

Prepared to Fly

This man is prepared for his long flight in ways that are absolutely unbelievable. To keep his airways open, he is wearing a face mask; to ensure that he can sleep, he is using an eye mask; and to eliminate outside noise, he is using noise-canceling headphones.

Prepared To Fly

Prepared To Fly

As a frequent traveler, he is clearly aware of the type of equipment he requires in order to be comfortable on a flight. One wrong move with and you might just ruin his entire day!

Not For the Weak

To get more followers on Instagram, even if it were legal, taking photos like this seems a bit extreme. And yet, this artist was able to take the photograph others could not, while remaining safe in Photoshop.

Not For The Weak

Not For The Weak

Unfortunately, he was discovered and consequently lost the majority of his Instagram followers. After that, what do you expect, a photo of him walking on the moon? That would be a tremendously brave undertaking.

Heartfelt Handwriting

Think of this as something that a kid wrote, and then give yourself permission to be a kid for a while if you can’t decipher the message. Simply reorder the letters, and you will see the message.

Heartfelt Handwriting

Heartfelt Handwriting

It was her sweet little girl’s wish that the family would pick up her grandparents from the airport and bring them back home – and her handwritten welcome sign made their hearts melt.

Do Not Give Them Your Passport

The last thing you should do if your children are getting restless is give them your passport to play with. Some people think that their personal artwork on your passport will make it more beautiful.

Do Not Give Them Your Passport

Do Not Give Them Your Passport

It’s too bad that they didn’t know that their passport would be invalidated by a simple symbol! Now your family won’t be able to take the trip you were hoping for! Use this as a lesson to always keep your passport away from your children’s reach.

Lost And Found

This attention-getting sculpture is reminiscent of a real-life game of Tetris. It appears that this airport has become the destination for all of the misplaced suitcases from around the world.

Lost And Found

Lost And Found

The message serves as a helpful reminder to double-check that you have all of your belongings off the conveyor belt; you don’t want them to end up in the Lost and Found tower!

Stay Clear

That is what the sign in New Zealand’s airport (where the runway is adjacent to the parking lot) implies. Drivers who park their cars are told to get in to avoid the danger of planes taking off or landing in the short time it takes to park.

Stay Clear

Stay Clear

Do you think it is better to just have a taxi waiting for you outside the terminal doors instead of taking the risk? Watch where you’re standing because you don’t want to accidentally end up in the air without any explanation.

Runway Patrol

Border collies like this one have one major responsibility: to chase away any stray animals that have ventured onto the runway. Piper, the collie, will handle the pest control for treats like a bone or two.

Runway Patrol

Runway Patrol

He runs in a big circle around this Michigan airport, and it appears that he loves his job. Piper is a tremendous asset to the airport. She works to ensure that the runways are cleared for landing and departing aircraft.

The Big Trek

Let’s all fly around the world again once the travel restrictions are lifted and see what it looks like! Of course, this is a joke – it was created by a master photographer by piecing together 400 different photos.

The Big Trek

The Big Trek

It’s a pretty impressive view of all of the planes taking off and landing from this airport. If you think this looks frightening, just imagine how terrifying it would sound!

The Penguins Have Arrived

The group came in like they were on an errand from the Penguin Federation, and they were warmly welcomed. Poachers captured and poached an endangered species of penguin, but conservationists rescued it and returned it to its natural habitat.

The Penguins Have Arrived

The Penguins Have Arrived

It was safest to fly them back to their island, off the coast of South Africa, and the easiest way to do that was with a commercial plane. Can you picture a penguin on a plane, sitting next to you?

Only Just Got Away

This bear was rescued after narrowly escaping death because someone had left the cargo door open! Fortunately, this was not the situation in this case; however, polar bears are frequently seen on Alaska airport runways.

Only Just Got Away

Only Just Got Away

Perhaps this bear was reminded that it had been given a snack the last time it was in this area by someone. And everyone, including polar bears, enjoys reminiscing about the past.

It Could Have Been Worse

Imagine Jasmine’s surprise when she discovered this photo on her Facebook page of strangers. These Newcastle airport employees were extremely helpful in informing her of where she had misplaced her phone, as well as a friendly reminder not to leave her Facebook account logged in when she is not using it.

It Could Have Been Worse

It Could Have Been Worse

Usually, misplacing a phone means the end of the world – but these airport workers show the better side of human nature. This only adds to our faith in humanity.

Put Your Hands Together For Them

For their public stunts, these guys are probably accustomed to receiving rousing applause from the crowd. They made the decision to provide something memorable for bored passengers at this airport.

Put Your Hands Together For Them

Put Your Hands Together For Them

Seeing young people putting on a circus show rather than sitting with their faces buried in their smartphones is so refreshing, and we’re sure their fellow travelers appreciated the break from their smartphones as well.

Merry Christmas!

When their plane touched down on Christmas Eve, these lucky passengers were greeted by the crew of the Spanish airline SpanAir. Everyone who traveled with SpanAir to get home for Christmas received a small gift as a thank you for their efforts.

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas!

Our curiosity is piqued as to what is contained within those boxes – perhaps a nice travel pillow as well as a gift certificate to use on another flight? We’ll appreciate anything!

Follow Me On Instagram

Many of her fans know her because of her impressive yoga poses in the cockpit and on the runway. You’re not likely to run into many pilots who double as yoga instructors. However, Maria Peterson, a Swede, is a different story altogether.

Follow Me On Instagram

Follow Me On Instagram

She enthralls her fans by combining her two great passions – flying and yoga – in a spectacular performance. But be careful, because if no one knows you’re there, you might end up in an accident!

Duck! But After You Take a Selfie

You can trust that picture. In the Caribbean, you’ll be able to tell if a photo is real or fake if you see this selfie online. People don’t even flinch when an airplane flies overhead because the runway is just near the beach.

Duck! But After You Take A Selfie

Duck! But After You Take A Selfie

And this is why you see all of these people on the beach, all of whom are taking selfies without a care in the world. It appears that this is a common occurrence for them.

All Behind Grandma For a Photo

Everyone appears to be gathered behind Grandma for a family photo for the holiday album. Unfortunately, this was a real situation at the airport, where everyone was stuck behind an elderly lady on a moving walkway.

All Behind Grandma For A Photo

All Behind Grandma For A Photo

She had clearly made the decision to remain in place and not allow anyone to pass. Fortunately, no one appeared to be bothered by it, and they were all beaming in the photograph.

Don’t Worry, I’ll Keep You Warm

The only option you will have is to make do with whatever you can find in terms of a place to rest your head until you can find something better. If it means curling up on someone’s lap like a cat, that will have to suffice.

Don’t Worry, I’ll Keep You Warm

Don’t Worry, I’ll Keep You Warm

However, there are times when the person whose lap you are lounging on requires some downtime as well. Hopefully, this man did not drool excessively while tending to his friend’s needs.

Sorry, We Have to Check You

Pat downs that include the groin are even administered to nuns by the TSA at the airport. Hopefully, the nun found it funny as well as everyone who saw it.

Sorry, We Have To Check You

Sorry, We Have To Check You

The fact that anyone at the airport can be treated as a suspect applies to everyone, even the most unlikely people. All the security guards are trying to do is make sure that everyone is safe.

Prepare To Wait For a While

Whenever you join the public restroom line at a Chinese airport, you’ll see this sign. Long lines are difficult to navigate when you have to go to the bathroom, but at least the restroom is labeled clearly.

Prepare To Wait For A While

Prepare To Wait For A While

It’s quite annoying when you are exhausted after a long flight and you can’t find a restroom. As you see on the sign, make sure you cross your legs when you’re waiting around because it will keep you from falling.

An Escape Artist?

Just to be clear: To get on a plane, buy a ticket. As checked luggage, you will not be able to fly. The airports these days are heavily monitored, so it is impossible to sneak anything past the guards. But we understand this person’s efforts to succeed.

An Escape Artist?

An Escape Artist?

Perhaps he had run out of money, but he still wanted to accompany his girlfriend on a vacation to the beach. We hope that his punishment was not overly harsh.

Did Not Mean To Fall Asleep

Perhaps the guy lying in the middle of the floor intended to rest briefly while he awaited his turn at the counter, but he couldn’t stop himself from falling asleep. And those around him lacked the courage to rouse him from his slumber.

Did Not Mean To Fall Asleep

Did Not Mean To Fall Asleep

Occasionally, passengers are completely exhausted following a lengthy flight, particularly if there is a layover. This guy must have an uncanny ability to fall asleep almost anywhere, as the airport noise was insufficient to wake him.

Make Your Own Luggage Cart

Perhaps this person was in such a rush to make his flight that he didn’t have time to consider how he would get his luggage there. He had to hail a taxi anyway because those poor little suitcase wheels probably gave out halfway to the airport.

Make Your Own Luggage Cart

Make Your Own Luggage Cart

At the very least, he’d have a good story to tell everyone when he finally arrived at his destination. What happened is something we will never know, and all we can do is hope for the best.

Crossing Traffic

It resembles a scene from Transport Tycoon, a simulator game. At this international airport in Gibraltar, cars must wait for the green light before crossing the runway, and the runway is off limits to pedestrians.

Crossing Traffic

Crossing Traffic

And what happens if the power goes out and the lights go out, too, with nobody left to control the traffic? This doesn’t seem very safe and certainly isn’t an acceptable option; we are optimistic that the situation will be improved soon.

Piggyback On the Luggage

It’s hard to fault this little girl for looking for a place to rest her weary feet. Certainly, Dad’s luggage will probably be sufficient if there is nothing else available.

Piggyback On The Luggage

Piggyback On The Luggage

A woman with poor posture illustrates the despondent demeanor of all travelers stuck in an airport for an excessively long time. Even if you’re out and about, your body knows when it needs to rest, so give it a break when it tells you.

This Is Mine

To avoid losing your luggage time and time again, let’s say we’re doing this for the greater good. I bet this person got tired of losing his luggage on his journeys, so he printed a picture of himself to put on his suitcase so he can find it faster.

This Is Mine

This Is Mine

We’re curious… after losing your luggage how many times must you lose it before you have to resort to this rather extreme solution? If he ran into trouble a few times, and had to face it alone, that must be pretty bad.

Time Out For Mom

Even though Mom found the kids overwhelming during their breaks from school, I’m sure she couldn’t handle them on her own any longer. These kids were very fortunate, because their mom is a “never give up” kind of parent, and she picked them up at the airport to welcome their dad back home.

Time Out For Mom

Time Out For Mom

Having a sense of humor about the serious things in life is important because it helps us cope with life’s difficulties. And these adorable kids did an excellent job of it.

From Far, Far Away

These guys were at Comic-Con and were in need of some shoe shine. We hope they paid in the local currency rather than some other kind of currency. This age is typically one of fast fashion, where people don’t use shoe-shining services since they prefer to be more casual and don’t have time to shine their shoes.

From Far, Far Away

From Far, Far Away

Because of this, the people who provide these services found the arrival of these guys from another galaxy to be quite amusing. We hope they have a good habit of tipping generously.

Missing Mom and Dad

On his way to the airport to pick up his parents, this man ran out in his pajamas. He was absolutely delighted to have his parents back in the house because they brought fresh groceries to replace the nearly empty fridge and pantry!

Missing Mom And Dad

Missing Mom And Dad

We have no doubt that he was overjoyed to see them because he had missed their company while living at his previous residence. And also, you know, they’re out of cereal!

Only Short Kisses Goodbye

To prevent the curbside drop-off from being blocked, Danish airport personnel came up with this solution. Nobody likes to leave home for any amount of time without bidding farewell to their family members first. It’s just a very human thing to do.

Only Short Kisses Goodbye

Only Short Kisses Goodbye

But you’re given three minutes at this airport to say goodbye and make way for the next passengers. Maybe it’s a bit harsh, but we’ll have to make out for shorter periods of time to keep the driveway clear.

On a Short Leash

While traversing the airport, this mother had to design a method for keeping her bratty children in view at all times. It appears that she’s knotted up, with their craziness having got her all tangled up!

On A Short Leash

On A Short Leash

Plus the fact that they were restrained by leashes, they were still quite a handful when we arrived at the terminal. Perhaps she should experiment with a leash that is even shorter the next time she goes out.

Points For Originality

What is the best way to get a woman to fall in love with you? He clearly knew what he was doing. His girlfriend will be impressed because of his awesome costume when he picks her up at the airport.

Points For Originality

Points For Originality

And it was the sign that put him over the top – there is no better way to score points than by finding the perfect words to brighten her day. Man, you did an excellent job – this was quite romantic.

Staying Warm And Safe

The stranded passengers in Asia had quite an inventive new option, thanks to the bad weather. It was a bad situation because their flight was delayed for days, and they had to wait it out and find a place to stay.

Staying Warm And Safe

Staying Warm And Safe

Despite looking like homeless people, they still found an empty box and used it to create a small area to sleep in. The only reason they’re being criticized is because they’re trying to keep warm and feel secure.

On Game Break!

The passport control guard was caught playing Solitaire on the computer and had no idea who had come in while he was playing. If you’re going to do this job, you must be attentive, with no opportunity to wander off.

On Game Break!

On Game Break!

The hope is that this security guard has been corrected by his superiors and will no longer engage in games while on the job, which is supposed to be keeping passengers safe.

Better To Be Safe

People used to think that charging their phone on a public USB port was fine, but it’s no longer the case now that this man has bypassed it. Was this person simply avoiding the fee to charge his phone, or was he concerned about being hacked via USB ports?

Better To Be Safe

Better To Be Safe

If you really want to avoid wasting money and putting yourself at risk of having your mobile phone data compromised, it is better to bring your own charger with you.

Where Is Luke?

The local citizens don’t want to be caught with Darth Vader, but the local Stormtroopers are following him around. Let’s keep this between us, though; otherwise, the Rebels might target him.

Where Is Luke?

Where Is Luke?

Fortunately, this was just a group of Star Wars fans dressed up at the Denver International Airport just before the release of Star Wars: The Last Jedi on December 15, 2017.

Resentment Or Joke?

This guy had arrived at the airport to pick up his brother-in-law. Can we assume that his words were a true reflection of his true anger, or was he simply making a joke to lighten the mood of the expectant parents in question?

Resentment Or Joke?

Resentment Or Joke?

Let’s hope it was the latter, and that the smug expression on his face did not imply that he was looking for retribution. It’s always a pleasure when family members can have a good time with one another.

An Embarrassing Moment

This family did everything in their power to embarrass Mom, and she was the only one who noticed. She pretended to have never met them once she saw the sign. Some family members really don’t care about anyone else.

An Embarrassing Moment

An Embarrassing Moment

At the very least, they got to see their mother’s surprise when she found out. This was hopefully received positively, and Dad did not have to spend the night in the dog house as a result.

Please Give Them a Laptop

The images are all taken at the same airport within the space of two weeks. Is this an ambush, or do they just need money for a laptop? Seriously, how can they be lugging around those cumbersome typewriters while they’re traveling?

Please Give Them A Laptop

Please Give Them A Laptop

Perhaps these people simply do not care for new technology and prefer to live off the grid as a result. At the very least, they will not be inconvenienced by a power outage – perhaps they will carry candles with them.

Something To Hide

Shades make it obvious if someone is keeping something hidden, as it can be seen through their windows. They usually do their best to conceal their identity (and this photo demonstrates that).

Something To Hide

Something To Hide

Candice Swanepoel, a South African actress, was wearing sunglasses in an attempt to remain unrecognized. It is hoped that she wasn’t accosted by any fans at the airport.

Hitch a Ride

As her dad rushed through the airport, this girl couldn’t keep up with his strides and decided to hitch a ride on his suitcase instead. Did he notice that his bag was a lot heavier all of a sudden?

Hitch A Ride

Hitch A Ride

The assumption here is that other tired passengers looked on with envy, wishing they could also ride on someone’s suitcase instead of walking a short distance themselves.

Let Me Just Lay Down a Minute

When you’re on a layover and your flight is delayed for several hours, this is what you’ll experience. Isn’t this exactly what we all want to do when we’re stuck in an airport waiting for our flight?

Let Me Just Lay Down A Minute

Let Me Just Lay Down A Minute

Every now and then, all we need is a few minutes of quiet time to re-energize us. Perhaps someone accidentally tripped over this woman while she was taking a power nap on the couch?